It may be the weather (hot, cold, hot, cold), politics (crazy, mean, crazy, mean), or the long hill upwards to finishing third and fourth semester (deadlines, projects, deadlines, projects),
but I have been feeling low.

Tonight the FAM decided to go out for a rare outing. We enjoyed a nice meal gifted to us for Christmas. There is nothing like a nice family meal to lift you up a bit.
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The citrus chili avocado steak was awesome! |
Enjoy our family quotes:
Connor: At recess I heard you can buy condos at the gas station. They keep people from making out.
Carlee: Dad are you going to get a toe pay? [toupee]
[Hears siren from ambulance.]
Me: Is that a police car?
Carlee: That is not police. It's 'mergency vehicle.
Connor: Some video games are so violent they encourage people to kill each other, but don't worry my videos games just encourage me to wrestle professionally.
Connor: MeMe has season tickets to my games.
Darren: Connor you need to gain some weight.
Connor: Dad I'm an 11 year old boy, I'm not suppose to have a Nikki Minaj butt!
Carlee: “I can’t wait for 'gindergarten, preschool is too much.”
Darren: I wish it would snow for four weeks.
In traffic, get behind car that has a license tag that says 'AllensMom'.
Me: I don't think Connor wants my license tag to identify me as his mother and vice versa.
Darren: You should get a car tag that says 'Darren's Wife'.
Amanda: You mean like DarrWFE?
Gets behind a van that says 'Gett I Up'.
Me: If I'm going to pay extra I want it to say, 'YEEEEHA'.
Darren: There are just some strange people out there.
Connor: I need a new bed.
Darren: You don't need a new bed.
Connor: I want a bed like mom's bed. Her bed puts her to sleep right away.
Me: That has nothing to do with my bed.
I could sleep on concrete. My tired is tired.
[gets in trouble]
Carlee: You are a scaredy cat.
Me: I'm going to scaredy your cat.
Connor: That is just weird.
Connor: Mom, we have to have this leopard print pillow so I can lay back on it like Donald Trump.
Carlee: At school we do group hugs but you have to stand up to hug together.
Connor: Dad, are you sad that you have to drive a van instead of a cool car?
1. Kids get candy sucker/ flashlights at store.
2. In car, kids fight over the same candy sucker flashlights.
3. Carlee: He broke mine!! [screams and cries]
Connor: No I didn't.
4. Me- grabs sucker/flashlight out of child's hand in rage... "I TOLD YOU TO LEAVE HER ALONE".
5. Sucker/ flashlight is not broken until mom jerks it from child, it pops out, hits the roof of car, windshield, and then floor.
It is officially broke.
Connor (screams): Mom broke it. Mom broke it Carlee!
Carlee: Do you try to say jokes a lot mom?
Me: Why are we going to Roses? This is a waste of time. We aren't going to find couch covers there??
Connor: Also, Roses is not well lit. We should go to a safe place like Walmart.
[Find couch covers after looking for six months.]
Connor: Do you know who I thought of when I made that play today?
Me: Your awesome mom?
Connor: Nope. Awesome Dennis Rodman.
[Find couch covers after looking for six months.]
Connor: Do you know who I thought of when I made that play today?
Me: Your awesome mom?
Connor: Nope. Awesome Dennis Rodman.