Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Goodbye Good Buddy

Can I be honest when I say I never understood the term, "Man's Best Friend" concerning a dog.  I never want to see an animal harmed or abused but, in the past, I have truly never had a close attachment to animals.   
Buddy and Connor Age 2

While I never wanted to be a pet owner, I married a dog lover.  
So, when Connor was the ripe old age of 2, Darren knew his boy needed 'Man's Best Friend'.  We learned that the local animal shelter had two Lab puppies.  
Connor 3 Feeding Buddy

Darren walked through the door that evening with a mutt.  I was like 'what...where did this one come from?'  I was pretty shocked.   Where was the cute puppy Labrador??
It was this dog who had become an immediate "buddy" to Darren when he walked into the overcrowded shelter.  Darren had a feeling this was the one and took him that day (no family meeting).
This was a feeling I didn't understand at the time.

Our Christmas Card with Buddy "the only nice one"  haaa.

Darren was 100% right on.

No matter how much we tried to monitor the situation, Buddy was the best kind of dog for a WILD two year old that went after the dog's tail, ears, body, and sanity like he was part of the circus.  The whole time, Buddy was patient and loving with Connor as he finally grew out of his toddler years. 

Carlee "training" Buddy

I had one rule: no indoor dog.
Over time I forgot that rule.  What can I say? I was overruled.
At some point we tacked on 'Love' at the end of Buddy's name because he was so loving.  We suspected abuse in this dog's history due to his response when we would move a broom or move in his direction suddenly.  Buddy Love was one of my kids.  He had a fear of fireworks, guns, and thunderstorms.

Carlee's early steps toward her favorites.

Buddy Love was FAST.  
He would keep pace as our van pulled out of the drive each time.
He would chase cars in the rain and once was even hit outside of our road.  The car stopped and Buddy survived, but he returned to our home much wiser about chasing the cars.
Buddy Love greeted us at the door at the end of a long day.
He loved to be scratched and cuddled.  He was a friend to all of our neighbors who called him 'Pork Chop'.

Baby Carlee feeding Buddy
The day we brought Carlee home from the hospital, Buddy Love attentively laid in front of her crib each night.  Jealousy was never a problem.  Buddy Love was as caring with the new, screaming, baby girl as he had been with Connor's toddler 'Tribe' yells.
Darren's love for Buddy Love was immediate.  He understood Man's Best Friend.  He grew up with dogs.  

Family Picnic 

The kids love for Buddy Love grew deeper with each throw of a football,  each WWE wrestling match, each snowman built, each dance recital in the kitchen, and each hard day where only a dog can comfort.  A dog's focus does not match the same focus of the world.  A dog's love doesn't care if you are the smartest or the fastest or the prettiest or if you forgot your homework or if you can't read like your friends.  
To Buddy Love- you are just right and there is no need for intervention or change.

Winter Fun

My affection for Buddy Love was like a slow growing plant that winded itself around me before I even knew what was happening.  My family often chided me for not showing the same affection they did.  I would say "I am not making out with Buddy, Ok!"

Neighborhood Dogs & Buddy with O and C 

The fam didn't see me sneak the breakfast sausage to Buddy Love in the morning, or the times I let Bud jump up on the couch beside me while I rubbed his soft ears, or the extra treat I would throw his way on the porch.  My heart would always give a little when Buddy Love would follow me to the track to make sure I was safe or lay at my feet while I was on the computer.

Buddy trying to steal Carlee's favorite blanket 

On the rare evenings that Darren was not home at night, Buddy Love stayed in our room.  He was an excellent guard dog and would alert us immediately to anything or anyone outside of the house.  

Buddy always followed us when we went for a walk to the track.

Buddy Love was a good dog.  He was the best blessing.

For the past few months, Buddy Love has not been himself.  We knew that things were not looking good.  His health had been failing.  He was moving slower.  His appetite was decreasing.
Today we got the news from Buddy's vet that there was nothing more that could be done.  
Darren could not let him go today but tommorrow is the day.

The family is taking it hard.

The kids and Buddy Love

Darren is heartbroken.
Carlee does not know the full extent and will not know until I pick her up early tommorrow.  She is much too emotional when we even discuss Buddy's sickness.  
Connor knows.  

Have you ever watched a soon to be 14 year old try his best to hold it together? 
A terrible age to lose a beloved dog.

Buddy lending Connor his body for a pillow.

This morning, Connor with Buddy

Me & Buddy Love Selfie 

For a while, I tried to remain very non-emotional, refusing to look at Buddy Love or commenting much about the situation.  
But tonight I was alone.  
Carlee was a Nana's house.  Connor/ Darren was at football.  Right before I left the house, Buddy Love very slowly came over and laid at my feet.
I lost it.

I cried so hard I couldn't breathe.

My ALL TIME Fav Picture or Buddy and Connor 


We will miss our Buddy- 
not only Man's Best Friend but Family's Best Love.
Thanks for reading and don't forget to keep us in your prayers.

The Babies

And Time Moves Forward