Sunday, May 31, 2020

Pomp and (Quarantine) Circumstance

In short- I've been pretty bummed lately.
I have even been hesitant to post on my personal blog. An accumulation of events have made me pause about what I share and how I share it.  
The fact is I personally enjoy expressing my self and would even say that I pride myself on being authentic. Putting myself out there helps me connect with people in a great way but it also opens me to judgement.  If there is one thing we have learned through recent events is that people take their own interpretation of events and refuse to see another perspective. It's sad that this has to be a worry.  I have so many thoughts that I want to share- life raising and teaching a vulnerable teenage boy, navigating the unexpected world of "girl" with unexpected cliquish mentality, and as always advocacy.  While these topics have effected me and others deeply, I'm just not sure if I can share them yet.
How is that for a fun opener?
You can call me a snowflake if you want but 2020 has hit an empath like me hard.  I need a hug.  I have struggled with the close of this school year for many different reasons.  As for me and my family- the blessings have been numerous.  As for the rest of the world- my heart aches and I find myself challenged mentally and spiritually.  
Today I decided I would spend some time on my Happy List:  watching some movies, sorting through pictures, talking to God in half thoughts and words spoken aloud but knowing He understands, eating food with the first ingredient listed as sugar, and spending time to reflect on a really happy topic.....
my graduates! 
This makes my heart very joyful.  If you follow my blog, then you have watched my children grow pretty quickly.   I know you are as surprised as I am that they have both successfully completed two MAJOR transitional years: 2nd and 8th grade.

Connor in Kindergarten.
This one is leaving middle school for foreign land soon:  High School 
Yay! (secretly weep)

grade 6, 7, and 8

I wasn't sure what to write about my young man but I remembered that I had saved a letter.  In 6th grade Connor's  ELA teacher asked me to compose a letter about him. I would like to share bits of it with you.

All I can say is:  God is faithful.. amazing....  
Another true testimony!  

This yearbook caption says it all.

I began middle school with Connor.  
 For three years he would run ahead and open the door for me.
It's going to be really hard when I enter that building alone.  
(I'm not crying, you're crying)

Grades K, 1, 2

This little lady has certainly turned into her own person (help..SOS).  Just like her brother, she would rather re-tile the bathroom floor than sit in a classroom and read (oh yes, remote learning was so much fun- sarcasm) but when it comes to creativity, this one is tops! 

She could care less about awards but she would have you admire her ...

tie die ensemble with new finger nails! 

Carrying on the family tradition, I was very proud that she scored the coveted STEM award from the very talented Mrs. J.

Connor also earned this same award in second grade.

Mrs. J. and I started teaching at the same school, the same year together.  I have always loved her but not as much as my kids love her.
What a blessing special teachers are to us,

like this one-
Our Mrs. D. is leaving us (retirement- that lucky dog). I do thank God every single day that she was able to teach Carlee.  She gave her the push and the much needed start to become a more fluent reader.   
It's true what they say:  
You Can't Retire Greatness
(secretly weep)
first day of primary school

Awww.  This was the good ole' days when I could dress her and do her hair.
last day of primary school
This year I placed Carlee in a looping program, so she will go with her second grade teacher into third.  I think I made the right call.  
This transition will be so much better. 
The "looping" teachers made the cutest video for the kids-
Meet you at the next school! 
Yay! (secretly weep)

Congrats my Graduates!
We could not be more proud and I know one day you will make a compassionate impact on this world. 

kindergarten/ 6th
Third Grade/ 9th