Monday, April 5, 2021

Easter is for Forgiveness

This year I was so excited for Easter! 
I don't know if it's because it's been a long year or a tough year or that fact I am ready for some sun and renewal
but on Thursday, 4pm sharp, I was out the door!!

In lieu of an Easter Egg Hunt, 
my church had a Drive-by Egg Hunt 
(think more Trunk or Treat and less Dr. Dre).

It was a lot of fun minus the 20 degree weather.  I was certain it was going to be warm (because I didn't check the weather) and I nearly froze in my own trunk tomb.

 I was so glad to see the little children get an egg from each car as they drove around! 

Of course I was a little extra with my trunk but y'all know me.  
I have got the perfect reality show-
Trading Trunks:
turn your trunk from Flab to FAB! 
(w/ me as your host and designer)

I love all the Easter.


We spent the weekend with a lot of FAM.
Aunt Jen taught us all how to play Uno Roboto and it was awesome.  
Roboto kept saying he loves me, so
I'm ordering my Roboto today.

Easter Sunday
I don't know why but I went a little extra on the baskets this year (for me anyway).
It was all the spring excitement making my head fuzzy.

It is so hard to reasonably shop for a teen boy but I think I did good.

I packed a special map so he could plan our special upcoming trip (details pending).

I love these- 
it's tennis ball gum inside a little tennis ball container.
Obviously a 15 year old boy can't appreciate the cuteness because he barley blinked but he should have said 
'eeek!!! CUTE'.  
Am I right?

Rafe Aerobill Hat for the win!
I know he is mine 
but that is one cute boy.

Girl Items include:
lipgloss, bubbles, squishy, bath bombs, doggie socks 

moon lamp on the living room wall

doggie sandbox

Spring Outfit Featured....

of course the fit looked more like an outfit for a backup dancer at a Brittany Spears concert. 

Easter Morning Meltdown
I don't know if my expectations were too high or what was going on but the lack of appreciation for ME was FELT resulting in Mom Meltdown City.
No one appreciated their baskets, no one wanted to dress for Easter "because we were in our cars", no one wanted to listen to me, no one wanted to take a picture, etc. etc.
 I did the reasonable thing and locked myself in my room with tears after yelling at everyone!
Darren was very helpful he said "you're a mom and moms are never appreciated".

DO DADS take a class called- 
Talking: How to Say the Wrong Thing at the Wrong Time 101!?!
Seriously, tell me.

Basically on the glorious day we celebrate our Savior rising from that cold grave, 
my family sat in the van scared of me.
This meant I ate my car breakfast in brooding silence-
and it was GOOD!

The whole time I was eating I was watching a fellow mom in front of me get up no less than 100 times while she tried to feed her youngster and herself.
I thought to myself 
if I win the lottery she is getting a trip to Hawaii.... and my family is getting NOTHING.... 

and this mom is getting a 10K rare diamond tiara ...and my family is getting nothing.....

and this mom is getting a Lamborghini...and my family is getting nothing...

I think you get the picture.  
I pretty much thought that with every mom that walked by me....🤣

Lucky my church mom BFF laughed a bit with me and calmed me down, 

then Jesus calmed me with His Word and scenery.
Let's face it,
Easter is for Forgiveness 
(literally Thank God). 

We ended the day with a sweet egg hunt.

Instead of racing to see who gets the most eggs, the girls chose to hunt them together and then split them down the middle. 
#just #precious

We ended the weekend with a touch of spring cleaning and of course...
redesigning someone's room AGAIN.  
She is her mother's daughter.

I put up my S for Sechrist.
My friend from high school made this and it is just beautiful.
I love it so much!!

I'm off to watch some tennis (and I will be taking that cute canister of gum just in case anyone wants some too).

Happy Easter Friends 
May God's renewal carry you into a happy spring and summer.