Sunday, April 3, 2016

Spring Wrap Up

Spring Wrap Up
[Warning:  this may be the most boring Spring break recap EVER.]

Let's start with...
I know Plague 8 was the locust but I wonder if it wasn't Easter Grass too???
This stuff just won't go away.

I try to show gratitude and I love working but I dislike the ridiculous amount of paperwork.  I'm convinced when I die, someone will resuscitate me just so I can sign my name to some legalities.

Oh boy, I hit the closets this week.
The children are just growing up and out of the clothing quicker than I can keep up.  
 It was bittersweet to replace the cartoon characters with sports emblems and Under Armour.

By the time I got to Carlee's closet, I had to turn on some entertainment: 
Mockingjay II
I was a bit disappointed with it.  
It stayed true to the book but unlike the book, it didn't show what happened to all of the characters at the end.  
Besides, I will forever be team Gale, he was just so much more/  less boring.
I love YOU GALE (even if Katniss doesn't)!

Speaking of entertainment, STARZ is offering season 1 of Outlander for free.  
I did not read the books so I didn't know what to expect.  This show is filmed in Scotland, and the setting is so beautiful.  The actors are fantastic.   The plot starts out like a romance novel (that hooked me) but quickly takes a turn for the violent.  I know I'm a grown up but there was one scene I couldn't get through and I need therapy now.  Thank you very much.

This is why I stick with....
very smart and cute, both of the kids enjoyed it.

Oh Look, more closets. 
Honestly, I could spend another summer on them (and I don't have that many closets).

After looking at my spring collection and what does and does not fit I....

had a healthy smoothie for lunch (yep).
I have to:

No one wanted to lose a lot of hair.
Carlee thinks she is Rupunzel and Connor thinks he is Fabio Aunt H. had to compromise between the kids and parents.

These two are officially looking good for the neighborhood.

More CLEANING (I told you boring).

My fridge was the Mount Kilimanjaro of Spring Cleaning. 
Like Connor said, 'its a problem when you have to put things in the floor to find the butter'.

This was a serious job, 
but mama got it done.

It's like brand new (with new healthy additions).

Don't worry, we had to soak up the sun for a few matches.
This weather is perfect (minus my allergies).

Tonight was the first time Connor ever got to watch Wrestlemania, included on the network.
He was so thrilled.

He had to call his buddy in excitement.
Will there ever be a time you are this excited about TV again?

We ended tonight on a nice note.
I've enjoyed our slower pace this week.
[Boring Post Over]

The End

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