Sunday, October 11, 2015

Pictures from Fall

This afternoon Connor was invited to a birthday party (where he had big fun).  Are these kids getting two birthdays a year or what!?! Time is flying and they are growing up before our eyes.

The party was so close to a walking trail, I decided to go for a little walk that turned into a longer one.
I don't remember the last time I just went for a walk in complete solitude.

I walked for a full hour.
I didn't speed walk.  I just walked at a nice pace.  
It felt good to move, breathe in the air, feel the breeze, and most important to let my mind settle.

I don't know how much ground I covered, I just know the hour went by so quickly.
I captured as many glimpses of FALL that I could with my little camera phone.

No editing needed, God's glorious works speak for its self, "the sea and the mountains are His for He made it".  
God just filled me up with comfort and love the whole time.

Enjoy my fall walk:

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