Sunday, August 29, 2021

Good Bye Summer 2021

It is that TIME of year again- 

BACK to SCHOOL & Good Bye Summer!!!!

In my line of work, I really feel like my life is divided into two sections:  

School Mom & Summer Mom

Summer Mom ROCKS.

If this summer had a theme it would be - 


2020-2021 was a year of political divide, a pandemic, and school expectations that were heightened to a very unmanageable level. 

I've never experienced a more stressful year.  

These challenges combined with my inability to set boundaries resulted in a very bad physical and emotional space by early May.  I literally crawled to the finish line but I did it and accomplished things I NEVER thought I could do. 

#God Did

When summer arrived, 

I let my kids live in pajamas, I let them spend too much time on devices, I let them stay up too late, I let them eat junk, and I let them stay inside the house if they wanted... because I was weary too.

I just always feel so incredibly blessed to have  another summer with my children who are growing so fast it's insane.

Here is a recap of our summer:  

We had an most interesting recital and end to the dance season... 

which led us to try new things this summer (details soon).  

Not to mention this one attended weekly tutoring.
Great Job SIS, I know the remote learning put us all behind but you GOT fourth grade.  

We spent as much time with Mags as possible.

Our first Dave and Buster's Adventure

Best Florida Vay-Cay EVER

We went on a WILD Bible Adventure

Although we are a bit behind due to COVID, 
this one got his driving hours in and passed his permit test!
(I'm in no hurry for him to get his license because I barley see him now. )

Due to the pandemic, I did have to continue the work in my building over the summer. 
It wasn't that bad.  
I did some interventions, and held a MOST Awesome Summer School Week 

I was tasked with redesigning a new classroom 
(Don't you LOVE the pencils Mrs. E. made for me?)
details coming soon....

We defiantly fit in FRIEND Time.
Sometimes, being with your best friend, is all the therapy you need. -Unknown

Pool Time  

Connor worked so hard on his tennis this summer, he hit as much as he could.

Short Trip for the NC Rebuild Center

A little side job.

I caught up on my fiction reading but THEN
someone posted online about their church attending to the reading and podcast of 'The Bible Recap and I switched gears.
I'm on day 20. 
 I have NEVER been able to read my bible for that many days in a row since Carlee was born.  
This is exciting for me.

Open House
Doesn't Connor look so old?

A quick note during Open House.

This is it folks.  
It's back to school and I think I'm READY
and I am praying you all are also.
