Saturday, July 3, 2021

Dance Mom Drama

What a year it has been.
We survived third grade!
We survived social challenges!
We survived hurt feelings!
We survived COVID!
We survived wearing a mask!
We survived end of grade testing!

It was the end of May, third grade was almost finished, and we were ready to put our energies into something that brings us joy-
the yearly Dance Recital! whooooo.
Last year it was cancelled due to COVID- here.

This year it was very exciting because Carlee would be performing for the first ever a triple threat act 🤣 (like J- Lo)- tumbling, ballet, & tap! 

I don't have to tell you that if you have a child in dance- shoes, tights, recital fees, and three costumes are not cheap.  As a matter of fact, Darren and I have tried to encourage Carlee to try rec. basketball, flag football, soccer, and even swim.  
She will tell you herself "if it involves a ball or whistle I'm not doing it".
The girl knows what she likes and for her it's dance and tumbling.

While I certainly don't have the skill set to offer parenting advice I will share that
if your child doesn't feel confident or love school related things it is such a worthy investment to discover something they do like via music, arts, dance, church, and/or sports.
These things have helped my kids socially, academically, and have provided them challenges that brought true confidence from within.

dance pros

The only problem we were having as we led into the  dance recital was-
no costumes.  
The pictures had been cancelled weeks ago and I was starting to worry.
The money was due before Christmas but the girls were not having a fitting until the day before the actual recital.   I was quite nervous about this fact because Carlee has grown quite a bit this year (like most girls do at this age) and went up two dress sizes.  
We offered COVID grace to the instructor and said a prayer in the car that the costumes please fit.
Aren't they adorable??


Little did we know we should have said a different prayer.
There would be no costumes, no recital, no refund, and no real explanation.
There was only a broken hearted mom and child on the way home (and we were not the only ones).
We showed up full of excitement only to receive this bizarre note with the studio locked.  

Oh my stars, I was about to get my Abby Lee Miller ON and take it to THE Facebook.  I may not have much talent but I have a gift with the word and I was ready to use it like a cutting sword to rip up the dance studio!!!
I called a fellow dance mom (that also goes to church with me) to break the news.  Thankfully her soothing response calmed me down.  She was disappointed but also thoughtful.  She prayed I would keep my heart open and my thoughts to myself.
I guess it worked because I simmered down but NOT  

before begging the dance studio to put on a recital with or without costumes.

We were blessed.  The previous owner (who I have the utmost respect and affection for) took it upon herself to meet with parents, students, schedule extra dance practices, arrange a venue, and hold a dance recital for our precious dancers (at her own time and cost).  Basically she cleaned up a mess that wasn't hers to clean but she did it for the kids.

We did lose our costumes and money but God has laid it on my heart to forgive and appreciate the gifts we were given. 
If anything this situation brought me closer to a lot of the dance mothers I didn't even know.
One said to me, "you never really know what a person is going through..."
While I do believe the person should be held accountable, a forgiving attitude has certainly made my life and walk better. 

This week was Showtime! 

Another dance studio (w/ costumes) joined us and we were able to watch the older girls perform.
They were amazing! 

I loved watching.   At one point, Carlee and I laid out all of her things in the back (she had three changes) and we came back out to watch.  It is so fun for the little girls to look up to the big girls.

Some of the girls from our dance studio had old costumes they were able to use for this year's performance. 

Only when it was time for Carlee's ballet, we suddenly realized that we had items missing.  I looked far and wide for her dance skirt and her tap shoes that were GONE!  
I was about to get my Abby Lee on AGAIN!!  What kind of Toddler and Tiara crap was this anyway?!?  Who takes someone's shoes and ballet skirt!?

Thank heavens we found her shoes by the bathroom in her bag (Carlee was so nervous, and so I am going to assume she took them and forgot) but the skirt was gone. Someone lifted it.  The way it was placed, there is no other explanation.

Our church friends (again) overheard us and volunteered to let Carlee wear a skirt they had.  We were blessed in three ways 1. it matched Carlee's leotard. 2. the girls are the same size.  3. the child was too sweet to offer without any adult asking.

So I simmered down again. 
See, I'm making such personal progress!  

Note to Self- don't leave stuff unattended and bury my Abby Lee inner psyche!

Carlee's friend did an amazing job with a trio & duet!

Carlee was pretty nervous.  She was near tears about going on stage (especially with the gap and lack of practice, which I wasn't aware of until after I got my $$$ stolen).  
The beauty of the moment was that she tackled her fears head-on and performed! 
That isn't easy to do at age 9.

 I was so proud of my little introvert!  I thought she looked beautiful, graceful, and happy.   

I made a video showcasing Carlee but ALL of the girls were fantastic.  I was proud of them.

Bubba was proud too (and a little over it after two hours of dance). 

Dad had to have a picture with his doll.

I know I look rough and you must be thinking 'you need a Toddler and Tiara makeover' but it's been a week... a year even!  I will seek my Tiara looks again.

Nana and Papa were so proud.
Gigi and Aunt Elizabeth send us a message as soon as they saw the video "we are so proud, she did great!"

Even my sweet Mrs. E. brought flowers.  It was an unexpected and touching surprise.  Mrs. E. is the type of person that always puts me at ease and makes me feel good.  She told me I was being a good stage mom!  That was good enough for me. 

no filter
gorgeous girl

I know we always want to shield our kids from the discomforts of life but I would say this gal has handled a LOT of challenges and made a LOT of personal growth this year.  She is finding her voice and courage.

We are not sure what next year will bring but we are sure to pray and let God lead us in the right place.
We could not BE more proud of our Car Car! 


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