Monday, July 25, 2022

Day Roadtrip

That is a real deer! 

I had to make quite a few stops in Virginia this weekend and was looking for someone to join me.  
While I had planned on my little introvert Carlee to join me for a girl's weekend, she asked- will there be strangers around? 
and automatically she checked herself out of that plan.

my growing girl

I begged the extrovert to join me for the day.
He agreed if he could drive.  
I was really looking forward to it because ever since C. started driving, our quality time has been limited.

that meant listening to the Kayne West Graduation Album about four times.  Add me screaming at him on the freeway as my life flashed before my eyes to the lyrics of 
"N-n-now that that don't kill me, 
Can only make me stronger...."

Driving aside, here are some great pics from our day trip. 
Meeting up with Sissy for Breakfast! 

I found this in the parking lot.
Am I the only one that find things like this so interesting?
I'm a storyteller at heart and I made up a story about this couple in my head before I left the parking lot.

Tiny Mall Library  💌

I left these behind.
Did I really mess up or what!?! 

New Backpack

I miss music/book stores. 

Al Rihla means “the journey” in Arabic and is inspired by the culture, architecture, and flag of Qatar.

I showed Connor the church where his parents were married. 
Isn't it the sweetest white church!?

We attended a sweet baby shower, 
and I made the cutest diaper baby.
I plan to make these for every shower now. 
(It's easy and inexpensive.)

The only problem...
right before we left, I realized the baby invite said- GIRL!!
Can you believe it!?!

I had to rush out and change things up, 

but we had to keep the Dino slippers.  
They were just too cute. 

It looked so adorable on the gift table.  

A plus is that you can pack the inside of the basket with the leftover diapers from the diaper baby.
I added a few little dollar tree items/plus gift registry items the couple shared. 
I love the idea of the basket too (I got it on sale for 3.00).  
When you have a new baby, little baskets are perfect storage containers for socks, bows, diapers, etc. 

Check out this venue.  I could have stayed for a week!!!  
It was gorgeous.

One of the selling points to drag my 16 year old son to a baby shower was the dad to be is a professional baseball player.  The day before, we learned he wouldn't be able to come because of his work schedule. 

Surprise, he made it!  

Connor talked this guy's ear off about all sports related topics.  Taylor was so awesome and friendly about it.  
We offer our prayers to the sweet couple for a wonderful and healthy journey!  

Keep your sports, 
this is always my FAV part.

Next stop, 
my brothers from another mother. 
These guys are a hoot.  
It's always a happy time (even during a sad time).

This cat loves me, 
you can see it in the eyes.

Another Gorgeous View

These art pieces are really amazing. 

I brought these back home for Carlee, and she hung them in her room.
(She appreciates both animals and art.)
By the time we made it home were were exhausted but it was a great day filled with a lot of people we love. 

In the words of John Wayne, 

Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. Comes into us at midnight very clean. It's perfect when it arrives and it puts itself in our hands. It hopes we've learned something from yesterday.”

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