Thursday, March 16, 2023

Rich Girlzz

Do you have a daughter who loves taking pictures, making videos, and creating new dances on her phone??
Then I have found the DAY trip for you.

Welcome to Rich Girls Museum

Last month when we were out of town, I found a “Selfie” Museum. We didn’t really want to go for the cost, but I wondered if we had one local.  
We do not have anything close, but I did find something similar within an hour of driving distance.
Even better, this place was running a sale for 50% off total cost.  
I took that as a sign to hit the road…

But where to find a group of glamorous  girls!?!
It’s such a challenge.


I was so impressed with the layout of ‘Rich Girls’.
The concept is to book appointments for an hour long. Once there, one can spend 8-10 minutes in each room.  You can record, dance, take pictures, use the props, etc.
I really think I could run one of these in my own town.  If anyone with a head for business wants to join me, 
then I am IN! 
Could y’all see me setting up “selfie” rooms and leading groups through them!?!  
We would have so much FuN!!  

The way kids are with their cell phones in the school bathrooms- 
I smell a good idea here 
(I could make a selfie room a mock up of a middle school bathroom 😂).

Back to OUR day. 
This is the door entrance.  
The girls were so excited!!

After that, we just had the best time taking pictures and videos.  We also had time to go to the Four Seasons Mall after (someone give me an Olympic medal for taking 3 girls to a super mall and keeping them away from skank outfits 🥇).  

Please enjoy the best from our one million photos.
I just LOVE how all of these turned out. 

See our music video here.
Who Runs the World?



Sunday, March 12, 2023

A Day of Favorites

It’s someone’s birthday 🎂-  
and she is 11!!
Can you believe it!?! 
My baby.

This girl wasn’t sure what she wanted to do, 
so I made a super secret, special surprise…

A Birthday Book
Inside the birthday book was a 
Day of Favorites!!!

Carlee was so excited.
(I surprised her in the car rider line.)

IN the book she had ten pages of choices between 
#1 or #2.

First pick- 
Minnie Mouse (chocolate chip) Pancakes! 

Other choices included-

Shopping for Spring Outfits 
(big duck not included)

A visit with MeMe

Starbucks for a -
Strawberry 🍓 Fruit Refresher!

YASSSS QUEEN, Living your best life.

Hairstyling with the FAV Stylist

Manicure Time

Carlee has an eye for classic colors.

Photo Op with Connor & Maggie

Lunch at Chick FilA
w/ our favorite Mrs. E!

We expanded the family!

Meet Oreo.
Carlee literally said “I want the one with the crazy hair”.

Late Dinner with the family.
We had to schedule this around tennis and dance.
It has been so long since the four of us had time to sit that we talked over each other all evening. 
We started to laugh because no one really finished a story.

We were all feeling pretty tired after this day of favorites.

We ended the day with a few little things to unwrap for fun.

This girl had a great birthday and said she wouldn’t mind a birthday book every year! ♥️ 

Dear Carlee, 
You have endured a huge year of growth.  We are incredibly proud of your spiritual nature, compassion, humor, and love of animals.  

It was such a blessing to celebrate A Day of Favorites with our Favorite Girl.

Mom, Dad, Connor, Maggie, Piggy, and Oreo

Sunday, March 5, 2023

She Works Joyfully With Her Hands

At the start of this week I was quite apprehensive about the many activities and plans.  I get more anxiety over the thought of a busy week then actually going through the busy week.
I decided to take a picture each time I was reminded of a blessing!
My weekly picture walk:

Each morning is a 5am wake up call.  I reach out in prayer each day and give it to God (this also prevents me from going a touch insane).  
In addition, my hallway is participating in a daily devotional and I get one each morning.

After Carlee and I get ready for school, I leave enough time to pack lunch for me, Carlee, and Connor.  If Connor has a match that day I make enough food for the afternoon as well.   
(It's actually much better for us and more cost efficient.)
Darren takes lunch with his mom each day (incase you were wondering if I starve him.)

When I get tired I eat my weight in sugar, it's one of the worst habits that I abuse, then I'm even MORE tired.
The only way to keep my energy up: coffee and protein.  This chicken and wild rice with a smore' greek yogurt was YUM this week! 

Co Teaching Math 
We are getting ready to practice a skill through one of our fav math games in this picture.

Learning all about the area of 3D figures (and you thought you would never need this).  
It takes a lot of patience to teach students who don't get this method right away (like me) but they did it and I did it and we are ALL amazing! 

Nightly run for a last minute idea to give every 7th grader Pizza Pringles to go along with Text Structures.  I'll take 20 canisters please.

Late evening bank run. I can't be the only one that never carries cash.

Loading my car early.  
Does any other teacher have all this crap!?! 
I don't have teacher bags, I have luggage.

Success with our co-teaching, collaborative rotations on Text Structures (see my wrinkly poster that I shoved in the back of my van?).  
All of my texts were on the same topic- Pizza! 

Dance Class #1- Hip Hop 

Finishing Novel #1 with a bag book report. 

Match #1- Won

Dad took over the cheering section so I could run Carlee to Awanas for church, 

we had homework that went in overtime.  
Sometimes it's impossible to fit it all in.  
My kids have never been two that can get work done in the back of a car like some.  They need supports, quiet, and most of all PLENTY OF TIME (something we never have).

Car Rider Duty This Month-
Getting all the kiddos safely home takes a good 30-40 minutes.  Thank you Jesus for all those that do Car Rider Duty allll year.

A quick AM stop by Carlee's school for a fundraiser.  Her class was selling hot chocolate to fund a field trip in the spring.  I ordered enough cups for me and my students.  It was delicious.  

& Fantastic Parent Meeting this Week
Thank you Jesus for supportive parents. 

Science PLC Meeting

A sweet puppy came to visit the 7th grade teachers. 

Match #2:  Loss in Overtime but overall team win! 
It's a blessing to watch my boy even when the hour gets late and the miles are far away.  I know these moments are fleeting.

It took me 20 minutes to wash the mud off my boots after this match.

 A little walk to cool down and destress.

Intern Connor arrives
and the kids love him.

Finished up Book 
& Book Report #2

Dance Class #2:  Jazz and Lyrical
Getting ready for Spring Showcase- no pictures please.

Friday we were all half dead.  
Intern Connor's group earned a pizza party.
At this point my emotional regulation jar was empty and I got so mad at him for picking up the wrong pizza at the wrong place (why don't teenagers listen!?)
The students told me not to cry over wrong (expensive) pizza.

The girls gave me a makeover to calm me.

I had no choice but to leave my room in a chaotic mess (who has time to clean?) but I will definitely go in about 30 minutes earlier on Monday to straighten up.

Carlee and I always have our Chick-fil-a dinner on Fridays.  At this point a migraine hit and I barely made it home with my #3 meal.  

Saturday Morning all we could do is watch movies and chill until lunch.  My head still hurt but I iced it and added some pain meds.

John Wick.  
Keanu Reeves gives me energy. 

Then it was time to get up and get moving.  
Time to to wrap and get ready for a FuN birthday party! 

It's party time friends! 
We have prayed for Carlee, and God has been so faithful with this crew.

Connor works on tennis/ school M-Fr, and works grocery on Saturday/Sunday evening.  
Such a worker! 
I treated him to a lovely lunch, and we didn't forget the cookie ice cream.

Then Darren and I were alone and got to work cleaning up the mess from the week (which is a little less now that the babies are no longer babies), 

and fixing repairs outside! 

Now it's time to REST!! 
Sunday Reset: write out week, grocery, meal prep, school work, worship, and SLEEP

Next week is looking as busy but I know
God's got this (and you).