Sunday, March 10, 2024

Spring has Sprung


                                              Spring Break Awesomeness

This week was so much fun but now I have a taste for summer and I don’t know HOW I’m going to make it through these last few months. 

Let’s recap the highlights!! 

Dress Shopping

We have been looking for the perfect middle school dance dress.  

Why is finding the right fit for girls such a nightmare!?!   

We definitely differ on what looks good (I like long and frilly and she likes short and shiny).  Two online orders and three stores later we finally found a cute dress.  Details coming soon but these matching nails are a hint.

Here are a few that didn’t make the cut but sooo pretty.


Our FINAL (weep) high school tennis season is up and running. I LOVE watching Connor.  This year he is the only senior leader on the team. We, like most parents,  just pray for a final great season for him.

Bedroom Renovation

We moved in this house about twenty years ago and there has only been one room we have not yet fully renovated- our bedroom.  

Of course mom and dad are last when nursery rooms need to be painted, daycare bills, dentists, new cleats, etc. etc. 

Finally it was time.

I hesitate to post the before pictures because our old carpet belongs to the Museum of Science.  

New paint, new hardwood floor, new furniture, new curtains, and new bedding-  I

’m loving it! 

Great Wolf Lodge

Birthday trip at Carlee’s favorite place!  

This time we had the boys join and it was pretty fun for all.  

They couldn’t get enough of that TORNADO! 

& Cake

This is the first time I’ve attempted a birthday cake from scratch.  Carlee and Darren says it’s great but Connor said it tastes like tree bark, so the jury is hung.


I read all of these over the break!  

They were all fantastic (except for Hoover, sorry Hoover).


We tried to catch up with as many friends as we could before back to schedules, paperwork, and bed by 8pm!! SIGH.  

It was fun while it lasted.

“That is one good thing about this world ... there are always sure to be more springs.”

Lucy Maude Montgomery 

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