Wednesday, November 11, 2015

The REAL Naughty List

I've noticed a lot of articles this week that talk about the social media lie.  Basically people feel pressure to only put the positive out there, creating an illusion of the 'perfect life'.  Studies have shown social media can later cause people to experience feelings of depression and anxiety when they compare themselves and don't feel they measure up.
Remember that you can't go wrong with honesty.
It keeps you humble and it's pretty easy.  There may be a few to judge but there are always a ton of people that get it too!

Keep it real people and....

Speaking of keeping it real. I think I know a few children who are keeping it so real, they may make the naughty list this year.  

You might make the naughty list if you....

Insist on pulling those clothes out of the "too small" pile for public viewing.

my kids are hoarders

After two years, TWO YEARS, of growing out this mullet....

...Princess clipped a hunk out of her hair with the sewing scissors.

NBA in the Kitchen
(That Nerf basketball goal is going to mysteriously disappear in the woods behind my house.)

bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce
bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce

bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce

Climbing on the countertops and expecting pink cupcakes for dinner.

meltdown in 3....2....

Recreating a crime scene at 6am.

With my new makeup kit.  

That floor I just picked up.

Quotes in crowded shopping area.

Connor:  "Mom will you check my hair for lice?
It feels so good when the nurse checks my hair for lice."

6:00pm nap = 11:00pm bed time.  :(

Long Division Homework
(don't get me started on this form of Chinese water torture)

Extra Points for Cuteness 

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