Saturday, November 14, 2015


This summer I watched the movie Divergent with my stepsister at her home in Florida.
I love, love, love the movie.
Being such a Hunger Games fan, I wanted to get started on this series as soon as we came back home.

This book takes place in Chicago.  In this society a teenager must test, and then choose their future through their specific faction.  The faction choices include:  Abnegation (the selfless), Abnegation (the selfless), Amity (the peaceful), Candor (the honest), the Erudite (the intellectual). 
The worst thing a person can be in this society is 'factionless'.
What is a girl to do if she qualifies for more than one faction? 
Be an (undercover) Divergent of course!

I love a book with a strong female lead and this book has a good one.  Beatrice doesn't start out strong.  At first I thought she was a little whiny. Pretty soon, she matures and develops into one tough girl with a mind of her own. 
I loved the faction she chooses and all the dangers she fights being associated with Divergent.  

The problem for me was that the characters I read about, did not exactly match the characters I watched in the movie.  I viewed Beatrice as a tiny warrior.
This is the like the Beatrice I kind of imagined.
kick butt movie Beatrice

I think also having watched the movie first, I didn't read with the vigor that I did with The Hunger Games.  (Hey, I already knew the ending of the first book.)
Also, like The Hunger Games, the second/ third books did not hold my attention.

Another plus to this book:
hottie, hot hot movie THEO
The love story between Beatrice and Theo!

I give this book four out of five stars.
A good read with lots of adventure.

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