Saturday, April 30, 2016

Grand Prix

It sure has been awhile since we went racing!
The last time we entered a derby race was in 2012.
Best Design 2012

This year our church hosted an Awana Grand Prix.
and we couldn't wait to get our 'vrooooooooommmmmmmmmmm' on.

This year we wanted Connor to take a little more ownership, it didn't really happen until the day before the race.
I don't even get the theme but at least it is pretty.  
Darren says its a Red Dalmatian.  
I asked why does it have a racing helmet and flags- "is it a dog or a car? Is it like a famous race car ?"
No, but it's famous  now that Connor is racing.

Carlee wanted a Barbie car but we really didn't have the resources to pull that one off.  Darren and Carlee did the next best thing- a Flip Flop.  She picked out the stickers and colors.
My girl loves her flip flops.  
Of course, now she doesn't own a pair of flip flops because we tore hers up.
I am hoping she does not realize the sacrifice anytime soon.

We fueled up with a hot dog supper.

Can I say, I heart this slaw.
I don't know who made it, but this slaw needed a trophy for 'Best in Show'.

There were many, many cars.
They were all awesome.

I snapped as many as I could:
Watch out for the Joker!

Oh my gosh, this one was my favorite, 
I think you can see why.

Alligator- mid sneeze


This girl has her racing stripes in order!

Go Carolina!

Puppy Patrol- 
ready to plow through the competition

(formally knows as Shockacon)

Sweet Sissys

Check out these creative designs:
Carlee just loved Bat Girl.

I think that is a Ninja Turtle on the end
....Totally Tubular!

Ready... Set... Race!!!!

The anticipation is too much!!

Our youth minister was our starter 
and I just wanted to offer him a chair the whole time.
(It was a pretty long race.)

At the end of the night, 
there were many celebrations.
.....but guess what the big news in our house was!?!?
Carlee won first place for BEST DESIGN!

I know, I know... I really need to retake this picture
Darren worked really hard on both cars.

I couldn't believe it, 
but it was very exciting to have a PINK flip flop represent.

Carlee says she can't wait to show her Nana and her MeMe that she was the FASTEST Car in the world!  (There are great benefits to having a nonreader.)   
She proudly has her trophy right beside her (as she calls it) "crayon" (crown).

Everyone had so much fun!

One thing that remained so precious tonight was watching Connor be a great big brother.
He spent a lot of time looking after his sister when the race became too long for her.


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