Wednesday, July 20, 2016

UnOrganized Host

I was super excited to host my pal J. and her grandson for lunch today!

I thought about preparing a few things the day before but then thought 'it will be ok, I have all morning'.  
Unfortunately, I forgot about my tutoring session the next day.  
Luckily I set an alarm in the a.m. to remind me of events during the summer (since I forget the time, date, and year).
I rushed out of bed and got the kids up.  They would be joining me since Darren unexpectedly had to work.
We used too many dishes for breakfast and we were on our rushed way!
My tutoring session usually lasts one hour but ran over thanks to 1. My son who kept moving furniture to form a 'ring'.  2.  A printer taken over by satan and would NOT print out one dang- blasted paper.  3.  One folder that I needed but with everything packed away, I ended up dumping half my papers out of one in the filing cabinet to use for the current stack!?!

Finally I located my children, who were banished to the playground.
I tried not to hit the panic button when I looked at the clock.
I would do a 'quick straighten' of the house and then start the cooking.
The problem with the 'quick straighten' of the house was the more I straightened the more I saw.  It looked like someone licked the mirror,  missed the toilet (hello boys in the house), dust bunnies, full dishwasher that needed to be unloaded and reloaded, nasty pool outside, full trashcans.....

I was really hitting the panic button.

I tried to tell myself that this was my lifelong friend and she wouldn't care but I also didn't want her to think I was hooked on heroin and living in a pigsty.
The topping on the cake was the little one had another accident last night.
Why?  Why?  Why?!?!
'I was so super tired I couldn't get up Mommy.'
In goes a load of laundry.
I covered the bed in a sleeping bag and called it acceptable decor.
In my desperation, I agreed to pay Connor $5.00 to clean out the pool.

It may be a little pool but it is no easy task.  It requires lots of muscle and soap.
He returned two minutes later while I began to vacuum (after spotting popcorn in the floor).
WHY didn't I get started on this last night???

'Mom, I can't kill all of these tadpoles'.
I go outside to see that many frogs have been romantic and our swimming pool is housing a family of tadpoles. 
'They are going to die anyway' I reason.
'No, Mom...I can't do it.'
I go inside and fish (is that a pun?) a giant bowl out of the cabinet and explain that he could fit as many tadpoles in the bowl and the rest had to go.
C. obeys the command and gets to work.
He does a great job.  The pool is like new.
Money Motivates
By the time I finish with cleaning, I decorate on a budget.
Carlee wants to know if we are having a party.
Time with friends is always a party Carlee!

I told her I was missing a table setting.
We decide three mermaids in a plastic pool with one mango would do the trick.  She also added a turtle from her brother's room- Tropical Paradise.

Centered on the plates are Ice Cream Bubbles from the Dollar Tree! #cute

I get busy chopping and fixing.

The menu is Italian Chicken, Grilled/Fried Squash (from the garden), and Toasted Bread with Pimento Cheese Topping (Thank You Tiffani Amber Thiessen.  I do love her cooking show).

I fixed us both virgin Strawberry Daiquiris.
J. + Me + alcohol + three kids in water= Not Good.

Are these pink coconut cups not awesome??  Really??

Once our friends arrived, I was out of breath and sweaty.  Still, we had such a great afternoon!
Little T. is the sweetest, squishy boy.  I got my baby fix because Carlee won't let me squish her anymore.

I was glad I had Connor clean up the little pool because we decided against going to the BIG Pool in favor of hanging out in the backyard.  
Of course, Connor was quickly traumatized once he saw Buddy's new drinking bowl (YIKES the Tadpoles)! 

J. is a life long friend and no matter how much time we spend apart, we always come together with lots of laughter.
The best story was how she got in big trouble at church for flushing a live fish down the toilet only for it to swim back up.   
(Oh we can really get into some awkward situations.)
I love you J.

I think today taught me that it is time I wake up from my summer induced coma and get ORGANIZED.

More photos from our day:

Who needs a big pool?

Ps.  This is Carlee's room after our playdate.  Oh well, we will clean (again and again) later.  :)

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