Monday, July 18, 2016

Summer Dessert

Oh Summer, How I LOVE Thee.
Recently, I've had time to nurture my cooking hobby. 
 (I just always forget to document it.)

I'm one of these people who use every single dish/silverware that I own when a camera usually gets in the way.

Here are a few Summer Staples:

Salad in a Jar
This may be the only Pinterest Project that has been really effective for me.
Salads in a jar keep the veggies really fresh and the dressing saturates the lighter ingredients on the bottom.

Boiled Eggs
See Pioneer Woman for the best way to peel an egg (seriously it has changed my life).
Good for: 1. breakfast  2. egg salad sandwich  3.  salad toppers  

Smoothie Prep

Making your own smoothie freezer packs has many benefits: 1.  bananas/spinach/ berries last much longer 2.  much cheaper than the store bought freezer packs  3. convenient.

After dinner, I reminded everyone to hold onto their forks because dessert is special tonight.....

Take a bowl of heavy cream, powered sugar, and vanilla extract...

...then you:
(Sorry, completely uncalled for, but I had to do it.)

Half your doughnuts.

Layer with cream and sliced strawberries (heavy on the cream mixture).

And, Waaa Laaa (or Voila)-  you have yourself a Doughnut Shortcake.

Dessert is so YuMMY!

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