Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Ocean Commotion 2016

We just wrapped up another 
Vacation Bible School-

Ocean Commotion

The church was transformed into an underwater adventure and we all had the best week!

photography by Amanda K.
This year Carlee was very present.  
It made me excited to have her excited.

Here she is 'breaking it down' in games (last in line).
photography by Amanda K.

Because this may be Connor's last VBS (before youth)...MAYBE, might, maybe...I don't know about youth.  Youth is soooo, soon, sooo... grown up.
I kept him out of football practice for two nights to learn more about God.  This also allowed him to take his cousins, which made it even more awesome!

seashell crosses with his two cousins/ buddies

(photography by Amanda K.)

Although, he had to pay for skipping practice when he got back, it was a great way to learn when making hard decisions to 
Trust God

Connor and four beautiful pals he has known since kindergarten.
Does he look grown up to you?

(photography by Amanda K.)

I'm so glad he was a part of this awesome week.
(I'm always proud of you C. for keeping your head up.)

Just a few of the Uh-Mazing Women that made VBS happen, including our director!!!!
Great Job R.

On the first night, Carlee got to wear the lea for good participation and behavior.
That has to be a record for a Sechrist op for SURE!!!

I loved listening to A. lead music each night.

Science Stop: 

Of course, no one had more fun (and I mean No One) than the DRAMA crew:

I miss them already.

In the beginning, we had our family vacation planned for the first week in August.  I'm so glad we made a change of plans because I got to be a part of the Ocean Commotion Drama!

photography by Amanda K.

Introducing:  Miss Ottoman, Great White, Snorkel Boy, and Scuba Man

BTW-  I'm not trying to be a weird, Kim Kardashian- Octopus- seductress in this photo, but rather trying to show off the top of my costume.  ;)  #selfie

I played a villainous Octopus who worked with Great White to make Snorkel Boy and Scuba Man STOP spreading the word of God!!

Great White was my partner in crime and he couldn't have been more funny.

Alex was the curious (yet confused) teenage girl who drifted into Ocean Land caught between the true heroes (Scuba Man and Snorkel Boy) and the con artists (Octopus and Great White).

Then there is sweet Turtle who takes care and sets the best example for all of the sea animals.

The kids loved our characters.

Our preacher was the director.
He had his hands full directing us, and they became even fuller with some unexpected personal things happening smack in the middle of VBS. 

It worked out though because when your family, 
you just pull together and the show continues!
We all trusted God.

photography by Amanda K.

This isn't my best side,  but I had to show the hilarious faces when I sprayed the "Dynamic Duo" (or as I called them Super DUDS) with Sleeping Spray.

Behind the Scenes the boys wanted to know if there were chemicals in my bottle because it came from my basement.  he. he. 
(I washed it out.  I think.)

photography by Amanda K.

Of course, we had the Super DUDS in our clutches until they souped up their utility belts and kept giving out their bibles. 

These two were so very funny.  They did such a great job as Super Heroes!!

Back Stage-- Snorkel Boy's Scuba Mask broke and I found some tape that echoed across the church as I ripped it.  I tried to piece it together like MacGyver.

It lasted five whole minutes before it broke again (and we all got cracked up)!

photography by G.I.

The funniest part was when Octopus and Great White stole the Scuba Sub but the heroes had a tracking device to pull us back.
During practice we backed up on stage but during showtime, we walked forward.  
I can only tell you that the boy who played Great White is at least a foot taller than my five foot one inch self, that combined with my extra large Octopus costume....  I almost didn't make it out of the Scuba Sub alive.

I just hope there isn't video of me getting out of that thing desperately clutching the little table on the stage as to not completely wipe out.
It was too hilarious and the whole crowd got a bit of a laugh.

The Dynamic Duo Saving the Day

photography by G.I.

The moral of the story is:
 there is no stopping God's word.  
Even if it involves evil, a small sub, a big costume, and a world that convinces you to believe in something else.

photography by Amanda K.

Trust God

But as for me, I trust in You, O Lord; I say, "You are my God." -Psalm 31:14

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