Tuesday, August 16, 2016

All Fall Down by Jennifer Weiner

I've never read a female character written by Jennifer Weiner that I couldn't relate to in one way or the other.
I loved In Her Shoes and Little Earthquakes.
Little Earthquakes was read right after I gave birth to Connor, and I really understood the juggling acts of the new moms.

In the book, All Fall Down, I immediately connected with Allison.  Allison is a woman who can't say no, can't delegate, and is convinced she is the only one who can handle everything.  Unfortunately, she begins to rely on a bad vice that gets her through her challenging days.

There were so many ways that I understood Allison and her desperation, including her love and frustration with her "highly sensitive child".  (Yep, I have two... and beating the crap out of them doesn't solve SQUAT).

A few of my favorite book quotes (without giving it away):
"Did you know how easy it was, if you were a woman with health insurance and an education, a woman who spoke and dressed and presented herself a certain way......could get you pretty much any refill you wanted."
-I'm amazed at the OTC drugs people have access to on a daily basis.

[the pediatrician]"Dr. McCarthy put his hand on my forearm and looked at me with such kindness that I found myself, absurdly, almost, crying."
-This scene reminded me of the interaction with my children's own pediatrician who once said 'are you taking care of yourself?  You seem sad?' after Carlee was born. 
He was one of the few that asked me that question and I cried like a baby on the way home at the compassion of it.

"I was suspecting a different truth.  My "off" switch was broken."
-Haven't we all felt this way??

This book really examines the new face of addiction, the critical roles of those we surround ourselves with, and why limitations are so important.

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