Saturday, October 7, 2017

Gold is #1. Projects with Tweens is # 2.

There is nothing I love more than a good project.  
Too bad most people don't share my love.

Part of Middle School definitely means time management.  Between the social, sports, tests, homework, online assignments, and projects,  children need to start to develop a system that works for them to keep up with it all. 

That is why when Connor was given his first independent project with a rubric and two weeks to complete, we totally butted heads.    

He thought this was acceptable (one page).

I even tried to get B. on my side.  I read the rubric and asked his friend B. if this was acceptable at his school.  B. said 'its what I would do and I won't make him do more'.
😃  Thanks B.  Thanks.  (don't ask two boys who stick together)

Sometimes as parents, we forget that it is our job to teach children how to manage their time.  
I started with reviewing the very specific rubric with Connor until it made sense.  He was to research an element from the periodic table, create a creative sales product (video, poster, item) with color and a slogan, it had to include specific research questions, and a presentation.

I wanted Connor to make a video commercial since he is so good with videos but now that he is in middle school, he wants ZERO attention towards himself.  I just hate it so much because he is funny and this would be a great time to show his personality.    He was even distraught because a friend told him his element (AU/ Gold) was a 'stupid pick'.  How in the world can you make young person not care about stuff like that?  (sigh)  Luckily the day of the project, I learned his friend K. was doing gold and that made it all better.  

We decided a report format in the form of a magazine would be the "least embarrassing" and allowed creativity.   I outlined a Table of Contents containing rubric guidelines, and Connor did one page a day, until complete. 

page 3

Y'all know I love being creative, so the first thing I found was a Solid Gold App.
Now if this isn't cool I don't know what is??
Sunglasses, a Gold grill, chains.....

if Justin Bieber can pull it off, so can I in the name of Science!!

Darren had the good idea for Connor to wear his Golden State Warrior jersey for the cover (& Connor did wear it on the day of the presentation).  #gold

Next, I helped Connor pick a slogan.  First, I had to explain what a slogan was and then I had to PROVE it was in the rubric and not something I was making up because I have all the time in the world.
This was the slogan drawing board:
-A….U… you stole my Gold!
-What’s cooler than the Element Gold??
-Hey you, come buy some AU!
-Get Your Gold Grill On
-Be Bold, Be Gold
-AU?  Can you Dig It?
-Goldust:  "Remember the element…GOLDUST"  *inhales deeply*…GOLDUST!"
for science?
-You might be a teacher if you noticed that AU is also the abbreviation for Autism (and I noted it is beside element PT- physical therapy).   What is more awesome than AU?  Nothing!!!

-Connor decided on "Gold is #1" and I tweaked it to 
"Gold:  It's Always in First Place"  
[I totally have control issues.]

I made a magazine cover for Connor while he wrote up some research.

To make a long story short:
him:  it is embarrassing.  it is awful. I'm not doing it.
me:  then come up with something.  I'm not helping you for my health.  quit being a big whiny baby.
 How about a THANK YOU??  Some Gratitude!?!

Connor toned down the cover a bit.    (Even Darren said the sunglasses were too much, but Justin Bieber disagrees.)

His Cover:

Like most kids, he was so worried about the presentation.  I made him practice, practice, practice.  I brought home some 'gold bars' because I said 'everyone will love it if you feed them'.
True Story
add a prayer and you have equation for success....

Connor never shared how it went, but his friends told me it all went well (and loved the cover). 

My New Slogan:
Gold is #1.
Project with Tweens is #2 Poo.

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