Sunday, August 9, 2015

FaM Fest Weekend

Tuesday afternoon I ordered myself a little Chinese.  
(I have to get my favorites in before I have to brown bag it.)
My fortune cookie said... A short vacation is order for you.

Lo and Behold, that evening Darren decided we would go on a short vacation. 
ha. ha.

See China 1 for all your future needs.

We decided to go to the big city for the NC Panthers Fan Fest.
Carlee called the buildings 'castles'.  She wanted to know if we were visiting all the castles.

You know these two have had such a tiring summer, they just needed to relax by the pool.

Even if they are a lot of work, 
they were so cute and so excited to be at a hotel.

We were 30 minutes from the stadium by foot, so we decided to walk.

I was so out of shape, the kids kept encouraging me like I had no legs finishing a 10K or something.

 At one point, while I was taking pictures we lost track of Connor.
Do you see him in the picture?

A security guard came up to the window, and we could see him within inches of dropping into the fountain.

My time with Connor is divided into two ways  
a. pure laughter  b. yelling NO!

It was a beautiful day.

Connor had never been to a NFL football stadium before this weekend.

We were barley able to get a photo op with Sir Purr.
He was one busy cat.

No worries, 
the Top Cats were available.
They let me borrow one of their outfits for Open House next week.
I can't wait to wear it.
Go Panthers!

Top Cat Performance

About an hour into the practice, 
the stadium had to open the top tiers so people could sit.

Connor made his way to the front.
He wasn't afraid to be alone,
 and he got up close to all the players including Cam Newton.

See him on the railing in this picture?
I was waiting for security to call him down.

I would tell you about the practice, but I had no clue what was happening. 
Carlee and I weren't really into the actual football part.

The funniest moment was looking up and watching Connor on the Jumbotron.
Front and center he was giving a show.  

We laughed and laughed.
I only wish I had recorded it.

We had to leave before the fireworks.

The walk back was lovely.
Even if I did almost have a heart attack.

Our hotel roomed faced the stadium, so we did see some of the show through our hotel window.

The next day, we did a little shopping.
Carlee really wanted this Cinderella wig.

I didn't get it because it was just a little too Toddlers and Tiaras for me, but she really wanted this wig!

We also hit up an aquarium.
Although overpriced, our local friend Ms. L.   (I miss her so much) texted us some coupon locations.

It was a beautiful aquarium.

Our last night, we returned to the hotel and rushed to the pool.  An employee told us we couldn't swim because they were closing early.  
I argued with him for a few minutes because that is NOT what the front desk told us (I mean does this guy know how long it takes me to get back into a wet bathing suit?!?)
My argument got me nowhere.

The kids started to cry and we walked back to the elevator.  The next thing I know, we were stopped by two managers apologizing and they kept the pool open for us an extra hour.

It was a great swim.  We almost had the place to ourselves. 
It certainly made up for all the football Princess Carlee had to watch.

It was a great FaM Fest Weekend!

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