Sunday, September 27, 2015

Scenes from the Weekend

It was the perfect weekend for relaxing.
There was a lot of rain, wind, and fall weather.
(Of course by relaxing, I mean for the other members of my family.) 

Connor did fit in a rainy day game and sunday afternoon practice with dad.

check out dad's helmet  :)

It seems everyone loves football this time of year.
I feel like we have ate, slept, cried, talked, and prayed over football.  
This sensitive mama is over it  (and that is the short version of my opinion).  

would be just fine going to a few ballet recitals.

Tackle On


Someone has scored major points with Connor.  He named 'you know who' as his hero on the All About Me project.

Then there is the fact that dads can do things like balance a huge inflatable bat on the nose.
You know the really cool heroic stuff.

don't mind the mother, I'm just cooking, cleaning, working, and planning your future over here, lol  :)

Saturday, Carlee and I decided to risk the rain, get our hair done, and go out for a pizza lunch!
Carlee was very excited about our outing, but then...

.....she took a turn for the worse.  
She began to cough and sneeze the whole time the hairdresser was cutting her hair.
The unfriendly hairdresser made several comments about how 'warm she was' and 'how she needed to stay home'.  I offered to stop the hair cut and just take her home, with another comment of 'I'm almost done now'.

It was a lovely 10 minute experience with a side of guilt.

Since my child was so "sickly", I picked up a pizza to eat at home.

I was rushing to get home in time for Connor and Darren who were finishing the football game, that I dropped the pizza on the wet porch.
The ingredients slid right off the pizza.
It was a true bummer.

RIP Pizza

As soon as we were back home, Carlee began to  to make a miraculous recovery.  

new haircut

Toddlers are small teenagers. 
The drama is real.

What... the....!?!?
Speaking of drama....
someone had trouble picking out an outfit this morning.

I won't even tell you how long it took us to put this mess up.
I can tell you it took a lot less time than it will take for me to pull out a garbage bag next time.  #toddlertime

Luckily, we were able to end the weekend on a good note with a cookout and birthday celebration!

Happy Birthday Meme

Someone kept sneaking little fingers before dinner...

of course she claimed TOTAL innocence.

 What can I say?  I don't blame her,  it's hard not to taste test delicious icing.   
Cake is just like the weekend, too sweet!

Friday, September 18, 2015

Our Fair is a Great Fair

 This morning when my alarm went off, my whole body felt like lead.  I was so tired.
It has been an exhausting week of field trips, meetings, and wrangling children.  
So what did I decide to do this afternoon?
Take my kids to the county fair.

Not the best idea.

After weeks of watching Connor walk through the door, start his homework, his scripture, onto dinner, and out the door for two hours of football without a break, I knew he needed some down time.

Connor with his Team Box
Today's ten year child is like yesterday's teenager.
I actually have a child that still enjoys play and imagination (thank goodness), but there just hasn't been very much time for it.

His hard work is paying off.  This week he was terribly excited to be the first chosen to carry the football team box.  
The box represents his team and brotherhood. 

He had 24 hours before he had to return it.
Connor picked out a Cam Newton sticker....

and the word Relentless:  constant, 
to add for the next teammate.

Everyone needed some fun time.  
With two children of such different ages, I recruited Meme (my mother in law) and we all met after school.

Can I say?  I. Could. Not. BELIEVE. what I paid to get my kids into the local fair.  I should have researched first.
Unless I want my husband to divorce me, I better start looking for another job this weekend:
Anybody got an RV I can borrow??

Other than the mid-day KILLER heat, everyone had a good time.
I let MeMe borrow my Kim Kardashian sunglasses.

Meme may be a senior, but she kept pace for three hours with two kids and zooming rides in the hot sun.
I was impressed.

Taking on The Dragon

Carlee's biggest issue was the carnival workers.
We formulated that as long as 
a. a family person could ride with Carlee 
b. a family person could warn the workers to NOT help her with her seatbelt  
c.  a family member could get her out immediately after ride was over..... 

we were good with the Fair.

We ran into problems at the slide.  
The worker at the slide had a beard (facial hair terrifies Carlee), so she began to meltdown when he tried to place her.

I had to climb ALL of the above steps to explain to the gentleman (after I stopped breathing hard) that he couldn't help her because he had facial hair.  
He was totally offended until I told him I LOVED Duck Dynasty and my Uncle Joe, who has a beard and plays the guitar.

The slide technician/ worker was very friendly after that explanation.

Next, I took Carlee to the Fun House.
The title is false advertisement because The Fun House is NOT fun.

I practically crawled through the thing.  It had moving steps, narrow halls, and Carlee was screaming the whole time.

The best part is (sarcasm) I had to SLIDE to get out of it!
Yes, I had to go down the slide (pictured) that measures about half the size of my butt.
Really people, couldn't you warn me prior??  No other Exit??  
It took me about 5 minutes of letting people pass before I decided to go back the way I came or risk humiliation.

Humiliation Won

I shoved my screaming child down the slide and went after her in a most awkward fashion.
We survived but I skipped the deep fried oreo.

If that wasn't fun enough, some type of gun was shot into the air and Connor was done with the "fun".

I don't know if you have ever watched the episode of The Middle when Frankie losses it on Brick over his fear of bridges?

I lost it.
No way are we leaving the fair after I paid a second mortgage.
Two options:  RIDE or take a spanking.

 Connor rode all right.  
Unhappy and with his ears plugged....

on The Tornado

.....on The Carousel, on The Scrambler......

on The Little Swing  (that broke).

See my movie for More Swing:

What is a mom to do?
but spend more money on crap

purple stuffed cell phone anyone?
6.00 Funnel Cake that looks like it was cooked 4 hours ago, anyone?

It's crap that makes us happy for five minutes before it goes in the Goodwill pile.

After we had all the fun we could stand, it was time to leave.    Meme and I had a HUGE laugh at me trying to get OUT of the parking area.    
This is the closest video I could find to show me trying to get out of the place-

Memories and Laughter

Monday, September 14, 2015

Double the Awana

This is my first year of having two children recite bible scriptures in Awana Club.
I now have a Cubbie and I have a T&T.
If this foreshadows having two children in school at the same time... there isn't enough caffeine.

Tonight I craftily placed the camera on Carlee from my laptop without her knowledge (except for the very last cut).  I was trying to catch her saying her scripture because I knew she wouldn't speak aloud at church.

When it comes to teaching the word of God, no parent has all the answers but I REALLY feel I don't have the answers.  
I just do the best I can with what I have and God will cover.  

I've come a long way from allowing Awana to be a stressful event for me.  I've come a long way from crying over Connor not reciting his scriptures as a little Cubbie.  I've come a long way from wanting to quit.  I've come a long way from thinking I fall way too short to be teaching my children about scriptures.

I've grown in Christ as a parent and I no longer compare what my children are doing and what I am doing with them in church.

Today I can say I'm happy in exploring the word of God with my children, even if that means all I get is 'God made cupcakes' (because He did)!

Sunday, September 13, 2015

To Remember

The alarm did not go off.
It was color days at our school.
Today was 'black lamb' day from Brown, Bear.
I struggled to rush, fussing at my children to hurry all the way.
I called Mrs. E. in the car.
‘Stuck in traffic, on my way, promise I’m coming’…
and then she told me the news.
My rush instantly stopped being important.
My heart broke.
A young, funny, talented, spiritual man who bravely fought cancer. 
Connor and I forgot what we were talking about.
We drove in silence as we both tried to understand.
When I dropped him off it wasn’t with the usual ‘be good, do right, act smart’, just ‘I love you’.  
I walked into a different environment. 
The sea of black outfits matched a school weighted down and hurting for a family.  

We hurt for a family who raised a little boy in this community.  A boy who would later grow up and give back in our system and who would have his own family.

No matter the differences, a school is a body and our heart was damaged.

I missed the call to prayer and was regretful.
From that point on, I begin to question all day.  Why?? This isn’t fair. Why do they have to go through this!?!
I began to look for Godly signs:

A precious community that surrounded everyone with love and blessings.  

Teams who chose to honor Mr. B. at each game.

Memories and hugs shared between classes.

A tiny girl with a bright smile ‘Mr. B. is with my papa’, it was a happy thing for her to think about being in heaven with her papa.

A mother in such pain at the loss of a son, but who who reminded me '....our children do not belong to us but to God and God has this all figured out’.

Our sunday school lesson, John 14:2-3, God’s promise to prepare a home.
2. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? 3. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.  

This home is going to be something else let me tell you!!

Children’s Church:  a baptism of a child.  A reminder that God’s words contains promises waiting to be claimed in faith.

The Promising Rainbow

God understands grieve.  He longs “that you may not grieve, as do the rest who have no hope” (1 Thess. 4:13).

I will take comfort in God’s promises as I remember a fellow who encouraged and inspired so many.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Happy Birthday C.

Happy Birthday Connor!

I can't believe it has already been 10 years of adventures with this boy.

Connor is growing up so quickly, 
but age 10 is a lot of fun.

two good boys

For #10, 
we celebrated with a buddy.

What is a birthday without a birthday shake?

Add a football game... 

and then we celebrated with these four guys

courtesy of Mrs. E.

and family!

Gene Simmons

Peter Criss

We want to 'rock and roll all night and party everyday'!

One is never too old to get excited about gifts.

taking his new car for a spin
This car met an early demise, so we traded it for:

Which is a good indicator it might be 10 more years before the driver's license happen.

Happy Birthday Connor
We love you more than words can say.