Sunday, September 13, 2015

To Remember

The alarm did not go off.
It was color days at our school.
Today was 'black lamb' day from Brown, Bear.
I struggled to rush, fussing at my children to hurry all the way.
I called Mrs. E. in the car.
‘Stuck in traffic, on my way, promise I’m coming’…
and then she told me the news.
My rush instantly stopped being important.
My heart broke.
A young, funny, talented, spiritual man who bravely fought cancer. 
Connor and I forgot what we were talking about.
We drove in silence as we both tried to understand.
When I dropped him off it wasn’t with the usual ‘be good, do right, act smart’, just ‘I love you’.  
I walked into a different environment. 
The sea of black outfits matched a school weighted down and hurting for a family.  

We hurt for a family who raised a little boy in this community.  A boy who would later grow up and give back in our system and who would have his own family.

No matter the differences, a school is a body and our heart was damaged.

I missed the call to prayer and was regretful.
From that point on, I begin to question all day.  Why?? This isn’t fair. Why do they have to go through this!?!
I began to look for Godly signs:

A precious community that surrounded everyone with love and blessings.  

Teams who chose to honor Mr. B. at each game.

Memories and hugs shared between classes.

A tiny girl with a bright smile ‘Mr. B. is with my papa’, it was a happy thing for her to think about being in heaven with her papa.

A mother in such pain at the loss of a son, but who who reminded me '....our children do not belong to us but to God and God has this all figured out’.

Our sunday school lesson, John 14:2-3, God’s promise to prepare a home.
2. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? 3. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.  

This home is going to be something else let me tell you!!

Children’s Church:  a baptism of a child.  A reminder that God’s words contains promises waiting to be claimed in faith.

The Promising Rainbow

God understands grieve.  He longs “that you may not grieve, as do the rest who have no hope” (1 Thess. 4:13).

I will take comfort in God’s promises as I remember a fellow who encouraged and inspired so many.

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