Sunday, June 5, 2016

Mayday! Mayday!

How can I describe May?

At the start, I just completely broke down into tears in a parking lot.  I had just spent a half hour mapping out my next few weeks at my desk and had no clue how things were going to turn out.  I was filled with anxiety.  I had the kind of daily list that when something unexpected happens (and it always does), it spirals me into a panic attack. 
I want to do good job for everyone but I JUST CAN'T (insert rocking and crying while grasping chocolate bar to self).

Mayday!  Mayday!  HELP

In addition this month, our Sunday school teacher was out for two days  (so I agreed to lead the class...insert rocking person again).  
(Before you say it, you have to know my Sunday school teacher.  I could never say no to him.  He is like a dad/ preacher/leader/friend type and you just can't say no to that kind of person.)  
The blessing was I really delved into the book of Acts.  I was connected with some of the most inspiring prayers.  To read about the dangerous circumstances of the time is terrifying, but to also read how God's work was glorified is very exciting.
It was what I needed to reconnect to prayer.

And let me tell you something friends, I got specific with God (.....or in some parts of my world pacific)
I can say that God carried me, I MEAN CARRIED ME, through some huge deadlines this month (and this doesn't even include the unexpected and day to day).  
Sometimes it seems our day to day is not important compared to what people have to go through in this world, but God does care about every detail of our lives.

Acts 9:40 But Peter put them all outside, and knelt down and prayed;............

I finally finished....
*Four Meetings/ Paperwork deadlines this month.
This is too funny,

Ha. Ha.  I'm going in and I'm on the side of the child no matter what!

*Saying Good Bye (and Graduating) our Second Graders (weep)

*Funding, Preparing, and Attending to our Letterland/ Tweetsie Trip
what?  the kids locked us up!
I guess if I have to be locked up, these are the two I would pick because I couldn't get through one day this month any month without them!!!

*Preparing the Praise and Worship for the End of Year Awana Celebration
They Rocked It in the Name of JESUS

*Leadership Goals
We licked a lot of envelopes.

Here I am with two delightful tour guides.
This was a beautiful Memorial Day Event but if this picture doesn't show my degree of stress, nothing does (yikes).    :)
Put. Down. The. Chocolate Bar. Ma'am.  Walk. Away. Slowly.  

*Connor's Leadership Program

I can only say that Connor continues to bring so much joy to our family.  He has grown in leaps and bounds.  This has been his favorite year so far!

*Carlee's Spring Program

Although, I missed the final performance because I was double booked,  I was able to watch the practice.  There is something very special about watching your little girl perform while she waves and blows kisses at you.  
I was so proud, I had to hold back the tears.

*Teachers everywhere began MCLASS, IEP, Exam assessing...... and at my house the joy was doubled with EOG Prep this month (kill me now).

*Pirate Prep

With Connor's (and teacher's) permission, I wanted to teach a Blackbeard lesson in his room. This is one that I once did as a fourth grade teacher.   
Of course, I volunteered and ordered the materials before I realized the month of May was happening.

In the end, we all had a great time learning about Blackbeard- the mean ole' NC pirate.

this shirt matches that patch perfectly 

On the way to the car, I was quiet and feeling like maybe I was a bit too strict because it was a Friday and the fourth graders were very exhausted (and so was I) and everyone was chatty.

Connor said 'your a great teacher mom, thanks for doing that for us, everyone loved it'.

Now that was better than treasure matey.

So in the end, God made this month happen with some fantastic moments,

BUT the words of Scarlett O' Hara,
'As God is my Witness...they're not going to lick me.  I'm going to live through this and when it's all over, I'll never be hungry again  I'll never take on that much again.'

The aftermath was interesting.  
I worked hard on cleaning out my house and car.  
I found some of the most unusual things.
Such as:

 one sock in a bag... ?

one dog slipper that I have NEVER seen before...

a half eaten corn dog on top of the fish food....

Batman held hostage in my contact lens case....

Mermaid Barbie found in the sock tub with a gallon of OJ...

....Not featured, a half a bottle of vegetable oil found in the back of my van.  
I want to say I used it for some sort of project but I really have no clue.

Now I can see my table and I feel at peace.

Bring on SUMMER....

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