Thursday, June 23, 2016

The Village People

Summer has officially began.
It is always toward the end of the school year that everyone feels the most tired, low, and in general burned out.  I just wish we could all learn strategies to make us all feel better.  Life is too short to fizzle out between the months of April-June.  

Beach Day @ School

I do know one person that always seems to have a very nice life-work balance and that is my friend CB. 
I really look up to her because no matter how stressed she is feeling she always makes time for family, friends, and self.  In general, she is just a pretty healthy and happy person.

CB and myself
 taking in one of the big bands.

During one of our school planning sessions, CB shared she could not wait to visit her mom and sister in Florida.  I was like 'take me!  take me!'
And guess what?  She really took me.  
I had to work it out with the hubs at home but thanks to a willing partner and FAB family, I was able to take a week to Florida!
Our hardworking EC team,
I'm slaving away inside of course while they soak up the sun.
Ha. Ha.  (I kid)

packing it away
I was so excited to pack up my room, pack up my suitcases, and experience a NEW adventure.

Even more special, someone placed a gift in my school box. It was anonymous, but it just made me want to cry.
God has placed so many loving and kind people in my life and I am very thankful.

Our first destination was The Villages, Florida where CB's mom lives.  In case you are not familiar, The Villages are a "premier active adult retirement community with master planned recreational activities".  I have never been to anything like it but here is a clip.......

Lifestyle Preview and Plan (99.00 a night for just a visit)

I was pretty fascinated the whole time.
I'm already investing. 

During our trip, I could observe that someone needed to write a 'how to' for living with The Village people. 
 Trust me when I say, I’m saving you some time and energy if you want to live there with me one day.

Let's start with the things we don't do in The Villages:

1.  Do Not Ignore the Rules
We come into this world bucking the rules and apparently we grow into loving the rules.
There are all types of rules for The Villages.  There are rules for golf carts, houses, yard work, card games, enter and exit times, tee times, unspoken rules, written agreements, etc.

Lake Sumter

And By George you better follow these rules or else you might be swimming with the gators (ha. ha.  I'm joking, I think).

2.  Do Not Ignore the Beeps

Today's world is quickly becoming a confusing maze of buttons and technology, even for me.  I have learned we don't ignore any beeping alarms you many hear in The Villages.

All the different golf carts pimped out for The Village.
We rode in the Hoopster.

I've narrowed it down.  
If you hear a beeping sound it could be: 
golf cart going in reverse instead of forward, the dryer, the garage door closing, thermostat going from 70 to 86, a cell phone call or text, dishwasher, the house alarm alerting you of a robber or someone didn't shut the door (and if you let the cats out you better hope its a robber).

'Beeps' are really soooooo important.
Golf Cart View

3.  Do Not Talk Quietly
If you need to tell a secret, talk normal.
If you want to share information, talk louder.
There are a variety of factors here:  a. hearing  b. Steve Harvey   c.  The bong of the Grandfather clock.
These two cutie pies taking us for a wild ride.
4.  Do Not Use Text as Communication
Other acceptable forms of communication:  singing, writing a letter (maybe in cursive), and speaking.  All things that require social skills and manners. 

Tourism Office

I repeat DO NOT even think of pulling out your phone during card games and meal time.  
Tourism Library

5.  Do Not Skip Sunscreen
I was pretty much warned about sunscreen.
I got a burn.
It hurt.
Wear sunscreen (50+), a hat, and shade yourself as much as possible.  You don't live long enough to stay in The Villages if you are trying to tan yourself into a leather belt.
Brownwood Square

Fun Times in Tampa:
CB, her sister- the fab. M., and Dodger
M's son (and master anchor) in the background.

Boating Extra:

6.  Do Not Independently Load the Dishwasher, drink without ice, drive the golf cart, close an umbrella, chop the vegetables, hold a hat, etc. 

Face it, there are just some things you can't do as well as your elders so shut up and take direction.  Believe me, one day you will like things a certain way.

Chatting and Laughing after Water Aerobics

7.  Do Not Talk Politics
Oh Dear LORD, you know it's bad when two ladies get in a verbal brawl during The Macarena line dance.  
Of course my accent said "NORTH CAROLINA HERE, Howdy Do!"

A Few Quotes:
"NRA is going to kill us all."
"Obama is NO friend of mine."
"Unions stink now."
"Your Governor has a set of cahonies." 
...."Hopefully not a set for long."  (ha. ha.)
"I'm not crazy..your crazy."

For a set of people that love rules, they sure don't want the government setting them, so BEWARE of political talk and do the Cha Cha instead.

8.  Do Not Work in Customer Service
The Villages are filled with charming and beautiful people, unless you give them bad customer service.
You better get it right the first time and that is all I'm saying about it.
Tourism Office

Movie Theatre #3

Sky Ceiling

Visit to the Chocolate Factory
Yummy, Yum, Yum, Yum

9.  Do Not Bring Your B Game to Game Night
so maybe I'm not that good at games.  I don't play cards, Pokeno, or dominoes but I became a quick learner.  It was like an episode of Survivor- you learn fast or you get voted out.  

I'm not even going to tell you the story about my phone buzzing off during Rummikube (yikes) or when I kept mixing up spades and clubs (double yikes).  One thing is a fact- real games keep your mind alert and it provided us a lot of entertainment.

10.  Do Not Feed the Gators
Our first day, a real gator came out from under the bridge!  I think he had his sights on a snapping turtle.  He started trucking along, right before I asked, "Is that a statue?"

Live Gator

Don't worry, there is a lot you can do in the neighborhood.  

These are all Village Approved Activities:

1.  You Can- Laugh
Who has the best stories?  Anyone older than you.  
There is freedom away from youth when you don't care what people think and can find more humor in life.  
From line dancing like crazies in the squares to accidentally getting our golf cart on the main road to the water aerobics instructor who told us to 'shuck it', we had so many opportunities to laugh with each other.
C., her FUN sister and FUN mama

Time to relax during our second stop in Tampa, Fl.

This night we got really lost but it didn't matter because the view was gorgeous and we laughed and laughed.

2.  You Can- Craft
You have not crafted until you have crafted in The Villages.

Water Koozie

3.  You Can- Cook  
McDonald's What?  The whole week we ate real food, healthy food, and balanced meals around the table with nice conversation   Maybe some of the conversation had repeats but if you've met me, I've probably told you the same story three times.  
I was right at home.

4.  You Can- Boogie
People in The Villages know how to dance like no one is watching.  Every night there is live music in each square.  There was country, classic, beach, etc.  
(We missed DJ Scooter but I understand he is a town favorite.)  

CB and The Boogietes.

My favorite was Johnny Dee and the Starlights.

A little rain never slowed anyone down.

5.  You Can- Learn
One is never to old to learn new and exciting things.  There are many opportunities to learn in The Villages.  You can learn how to drum, belly dance, 3D art, biblical history, and the list goes on.  These folks know how to keep things sharp and there isn't one thing in the agenda that involves learning how to 'take a test'.   

...Friends of Hula anyone?

I personally am interested in the Dragon Boat and Grand Masters (bottom right corner).  Next time maybe?

...Doo Wop Remember When....

Bird Watching

6.  You Can- Make Deals
There is a lot of extravagance.  However,  free events, coupons, price watching, and bargaining are all unique qualities of The Village People.

Heavenly Pedicure Splurge

My Big Floppy Hat

Shopping at Brownwood

7.  You Can- Read
I was excited that I got to spend some time reading on my trip.  I brought my Kindle but there were lots of 'real' books if I needed them.  

I can't wait to retire to read all the good books.

8.  You Can- Exercise
Can I say, I can't keep up with The Village People.  I can't do it.
It must be true that 'exercise is youth in a bottle'.  I guess if you look around there are very few chubby elders.  

There are so many opportunities to get healthy and it reminds me that taking time today may save me a lot of trouble in the future.
My first snorkeling experience!

9.  Must Love Cats 
(and birds and dogs)

No children are allowed in The Villages (except for visits), so something has to take the place once the children have grown.  Enter our four legged and feathered friends....
Cat Fun

CB bought her mom a bird feeder and it was already attracting the birds and squirrels!
The cats loved it.

Little Dodger on the boat.  Dodger loved boating and the beach so much.
He was adorable.

10.  You Can- Treasure Time
The older we get the more we appreciate that every day is a gift to be treasured.  
Through our ups and downs, we should spend as much time as we can celebrating life, love, laughter, family, and friends.  
The Village People get it.
E. and E. and The Hudson

FaceTime with my pretty babies.  They did great without me and I missed them so much.

Thank you to my pal CB whose family I absolutely adored and with who I had the best time.
We definitely made memories for a lifetime.


  1. This is GREAT ! Thanks for your funny & thoughtful observations! When can I move?

  2. Well thank you! How fast can you pack? We can sell 'golden' t. shirts to make a living.
