Friday, June 30, 2017

93- Lets Go Racing

The summer movie to watch:

My kids were really excited about Cars III (and by kids I mean my rising 6th grader but you did not hear that from me).   Connor was such a Cars movie fan as a little boy.  I think he has worn the Cars DVD out watching it over and over.  
It was the first movie we took Connor to see (he was only 2) and I think his daddy is the one who wanted to see it.  I most remember Gerber Fruit Snacks spilling all over the floor during this time.  
Although, we are not huge fans of the Cars II ,  I promise all racers that Cars III will not disappoint.

I guess the theme of summer is racing. 
Late Night Racing at the Madhouse

I'm even interested in watching Baby Driver.  It seems really action packed with a lot of great actors but it will have to be a trip without the kids due to the rating.

As I was planning my summer children's church lesson, I tried to think about an idea I could do with the car/ racing theme.  We are pretty boy heavy at church but even our southern girls at the very least have been exposed to NASCAR and I thought they may enjoy it (....I  thought wrong because the girls were NOT into it but 😊 it was ok).

I found this really cute printable car craft from a Racing for God VBS website.  
I was a little ambitious with this one.  
It took so long to cut and put together, I decided to precut for the second group.

I read the story from Numbers about how brave and smart Caleb and Josh were to follow God's will/directions despite the many terrifying obstacles in their path.  They "raced" forward for God and boy are they glad they did because there were a few other unGodly rebels that didn't make it (and I mean "lights out" for them).

Next, I set up prayer stations modified from the blog Flame:  A Children's Ministry.  She has the BEST prayers station ideas ever.

Due to the level of difficulty of our paper race cars, I'm not sure how much praying was done at the prayer stations but I at least put the idea in their heads and they had fun with the manipulatives. 

Connor had a LOT of vehicles from the first Cars movie that we were able to borrow. 

I showed this clip....

... as a way of showing that sometimes the race doesn't turn out exactly the way that we think it should.  We will most certainly face obstacles but we have God as our crew chief who sent his only Son so that we would believe and come out victorious.  

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:1-2

A Few Church Babies
FYI-  Carlee's daddy dressed her while I attended the early service.  She is wearing shorts with that shirt but as she describes they are "dressy" ok then. 

Traffic Light snack

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