Friday, July 28, 2017

98-100: Checking IN and Checking Out

My blogging has temporarily halted.  We have had so many things on the agenda this summer (some expected and some unexpected).  I have lots to share but for now I am just taking one day at a time and trying to enjoy what I can without getting overwhelmed.   For tonight I am finally finishing my 100 Day Blogger Challenge.  I certainly didn't blog every day but I did get 100 posts in before the 6 months is up and that is pretty good for me.  

For today I am doing a quick Check In and Check Out....

98:  Connor
I am enjoying this age.  Today a couple was seriously making out by the McDonald's Play Area and I gave Connor "the look" and he whispered "I know".  It was so cool for him to understand "the look" and that we thought the exact same thing - GROSS.

great helper at camp 

Connor has a new hobby 'Vlogging'-  a blog/ video blog.  
See Connor's first Vlog Here:

99:  Carlee
My painfully shy and sensitive child.  I am so worried about your social anxiety.  
.....Or so I thought until I found a ton of videos on your iPad.  (Gasp.)  You are a Vlogger too?  I didn't know but I enjoyed watching all the personality.


Carlee's Vlog Here:

100:  Day 100

This is going to be my kids when the teacher asks what they did this summer.  Wow the technology!  It is truly a different world. 
Ps.  Darren is still alive and safe.  We just have no current videos of him at this time.  He is an ANTI Vlogger. 

Thursday, July 6, 2017

97: Summer Reads

These are the summer reads I have read so far:  

Pretty Girls by Karin Slaughter
Good:  This book is almost a bit too descriptive.  I found myself skipping lines to cut to the chase.   As with any Karin Slaughter book, her descriptions don't hold anything back (as in you may be a bit disturbed) and you are sure to be on the edge of your seat trying to figure out 'who done it'.  

"Here was how a chain ripped flesh.  This was the damage wrought by kicking feet and punching fits.  Here is what a human being looked like when they wandered off into a world that did not cherish them, did not love them, did not ever want them to go home.  
Your mother was right.
The details tore me apart."

Glitter Baby by Susan Elizabeth Phillips

Fantastic:  This is a reread for me (about my third).  I just love the story of Fleur Savage who is pushed into a world of fame by her mother.  This story has all the components I love- old glamor, romance, reinvention, and family drama.  

"The Glitter Baby was back.  She paused inside the arched entrance to the Orlani Gallery so the opening night guests would have time to recognize her....
Six years has passed since hers was one of the most famous faces in America.  The Glitter Baby wondered if they'd still remember... and what she would do if they didn't."

The Great Escape by Susan Elizabeth Phillips
OK:  This is my least favorite story.  I've actually set it down a few times and then returned to it.  I enjoyed the side stories more than the main storyline. 

"For more than ten years, every since Nealy's first presidential campaign, she'd tried to say the right thing, do the right thing, always smiling, forever polite.  Now she, who'd long ago mastered the art of small talk couldn't think of a single thing to say.
He jerked his head toward the rear of his bike 'Wanna go for ride?'"

Rose Gardner: Thirty Three and  Half Shenanigans by Denise Grove Swank

Good:  I only have three more to go.  I started this series last summer.  I love the evolution of Rose Gardner from country bumpkin to top detective (who also happens to get wacky 'visions' that really get her in deep trouble).  A fun/funny read for any true, blue southern gal. 

"'So why doesn't your aunt go out to Billy Jack's herself to see if Dolly Parton is out there?' 
 We were almost to Pickle Junction and I couldn't help thinking we were about to hop into a hornet's nest.
'Well... she can't an account of the squirrel jerky incident. '  Nelly Kate tried to hid her cringe, but she wasn't fooling me. 
.....'Neely Kate, what exactly are you draggin' me into?'"

A Funeral for My Fat:  My Journey to Lay 100 Pounds to Rest by Sharee Samuels

Good:  To be honest I purchased this book because I have been following Sharee Samuels Tumblr for years and I wanted to throw my support her way.  You can learn all about her and more on her Tumblr page here.  She shares everything from her book-  diet plans, her weight loss, surgery, and more.  She is a true inspiration. 

"Change does not happen in our comfort zone.  Change happens when your body is forced to work harder.  Losing weight and creating a healthy life take work... but it's worth it."  

It Was Me All Along:  A Memoir by Andie Mitchell

Fantastic: First, this girl can write.  Second, this was just a very moving and touching book that brought me to tears numerous times.  I could relate on every. single. level.  

"Eating made me forget.  The flavors, the textures, and smells entertained me enough to mute my other senses.  Filling my belly stuffed my mind so completely that no space existed for sadness.  Packing myself with sweet until I ached created a new sensation that had nothing to do with intense loneliness and broken homes."

Thinspired by Mara Schiavocampo

Meh:  After Andie Mitchell's memoir this book was very lacking.  I read this book in a few hours and learned very little about the author and her journey. She pretty much learned how to eliminate processed foods.  

"What actually happened is that I started making small, incremental changes in my life, things that in some ways were almost imperceptible. Once I got used to one, I’d make another. All the while, I went on about my life. I wasn’t agonizing."

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

96: Happy Fourth of July

Happy Fourth of July
We have been very busy celebrating.
Aren't we blessed to live in a country with so many freedoms and opportunity?

We started our celebration with our best annual family cookout.
It was BiG FuN.

American Digs- Under $20!
ha. ha.

Try for pic #1
Try for pic. #2

Pic #3- Got it!
These babies are so good to my Connor.
Love you O&O

Did someone say Volleyball?
It's on like Donkey Kong! 

See more here.....😍

Aunt S. showing off her Uncle Sams

Again, we had to make a quick exit before fireworks.  There will be NO firework memories. 

It's brown mule time! 


Corn Hole Tourney
(I was out in the first round.)

Independence Day Parade



My babies are getting so big.

Did someone say All American Boy(s)?

Pretty as a Picture
Love those sweet patriotic shirts!  💗

Happy Fourth of July Family and Friends
We love you and may God Bless you and your family this holiday.

Monday, July 3, 2017

95: Special Visitor

We were so excited to host Auntie Sissie (my sister) for a few days.  Connor kept calling her his cousin because welllll... I'm 25 years older than her.  (Don't worry I only look 22 years older.)

Let's just say that if one is use to quiet settings then spending time with The Sechrist Clan can be a culture shock.  
We are loud, hyperactive, and on the move.
I think it all may have been a bit overwhelming.
Auntie Sissy is quiet and observant (or maybe that is all teenage girls). 

Overall, we had a great time and created a few memories such as late nights watching WWE, playing "spy on mom", getting stuck after the trampoline joust, chasing the LARGEST beach ball I have ever seen, and driving up a very, steep and rural mountain road to get to Galax when we were suppose to go to Hillsville.  

Seriously, don't always follow the GPS... this is how people drive off of cliffs and get stuck in the snow.  

And of course there is the lovely memory of me screaming at Connor to "stop", "listen", and "calm down" 5, 000 times.

Summer Moments:

American Gladiators 

Pool Bound with Friends

What kind of sandwich is this?

Who are these people?

Who is this dude in the Hawaiian shorts hugging me?

Red Flag Alert:
Trouble in the Waters

Olympic Style Diving

My friend J. asked if I would go off the rope.
I could see myself grabbing onto it for dear life until I jerked the poor thing out of the socket.
Bad idea and Bad imagery  

This guy is swimming stronger every summer.

I could eat up this little fellow.....
those cheeks!!!

More Sissie Loving

This water baby would live in the pool if I let her.

Little T. isn't into the whole picture taking thing.
ha. ha.

Trying her best to deflate the biggest beach ball in the world.

Do you hear the Jaws theme song here? 

Yes, we have splashed into summer and it was big fun!
Thanks for the awesome visit Sissy.
See you soon.