Friday, July 28, 2017

98-100: Checking IN and Checking Out

My blogging has temporarily halted.  We have had so many things on the agenda this summer (some expected and some unexpected).  I have lots to share but for now I am just taking one day at a time and trying to enjoy what I can without getting overwhelmed.   For tonight I am finally finishing my 100 Day Blogger Challenge.  I certainly didn't blog every day but I did get 100 posts in before the 6 months is up and that is pretty good for me.  

For today I am doing a quick Check In and Check Out....

98:  Connor
I am enjoying this age.  Today a couple was seriously making out by the McDonald's Play Area and I gave Connor "the look" and he whispered "I know".  It was so cool for him to understand "the look" and that we thought the exact same thing - GROSS.

great helper at camp 

Connor has a new hobby 'Vlogging'-  a blog/ video blog.  
See Connor's first Vlog Here:

99:  Carlee
My painfully shy and sensitive child.  I am so worried about your social anxiety.  
.....Or so I thought until I found a ton of videos on your iPad.  (Gasp.)  You are a Vlogger too?  I didn't know but I enjoyed watching all the personality.


Carlee's Vlog Here:

100:  Day 100

This is going to be my kids when the teacher asks what they did this summer.  Wow the technology!  It is truly a different world. 
Ps.  Darren is still alive and safe.  We just have no current videos of him at this time.  He is an ANTI Vlogger. 

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