Monday, September 4, 2017

Week One: Back to School

Surprisingly, our first week back was a success!! 
I say surprisingly because we have had so many 'what ifs' in the air.  What if I remain sick?  What if Carlee has trouble going to a new big school?  What if Connor has trouble going to a new big school?  What if I hate my new big school?

The first day of school and you can visibly see the nerves. 
(can't you take your big brother with you on the first day of school??)

The night before school, I gave Carlee a heart necklace.  I wore one-half and she wore one-half on the first day of kindergarten.  Like the Kissing Hand, I told her to remember that mom will be thinking of her allllll day and to kiss her necklace if she feels scared.  💓

We are all about the "kissing jewelry".  

Open House + Awesome Teachers

Eventually, the excitement outweighed the worries and everyone had a great week.

above my desk  💗

I kept meals simple and did zero chores during the first week back.  After we settled, I read a book every night and tried to go to bed early.  
I think it did a lot for my mental energy. 

Here are a few scenes from our first week: 

My coworker gave me the sweetest gift. It's a little cloth coaster for my desk (made by her grandmother). 

A kindness rock found in memory of a child who had attended our school.  

Off on his own, while I tend to sister.
I'm not crying?  Who is crying?  I'm not crying?
remember this?  

and we had a great K. year!

Mrs. E. is always there!  :)

For me, I was afraid that going from a self-contained teacher for 14 years to more inclusion would present a challenge, but it has been very exciting.  

1.  I love being available to help teach new concepts and offer support to children.  

2.  I'm flexing some new teaching muscles. 

3.  The teachers have been great. I can see myself moving right into a co-teaching model with a few of them in the future.  

I'm still on edge about upcoming paperwork, figuring out motivation, and pull outs for intervention.  Hopefully, it will all fall into place.

Day 2 Excitement

Toes in School Colors

First Pep Rally
(I should really lend my rapping skills.)

This is Connor's end of day club.  Sorry, you're not building your pecs buddy.

That would be Chess Club for you Connor.
He. He. 

He wasn't excited but I know he is changing next term and hey, I find nothing wrong with having a chess player in the family.  ♖

I've been getting to know students and it has been really neat to see these children from K-2 to now.  
They are all "grown up".

A little Labor Day weekend ice cream.  

Followed by a LOT of Labor Day work...

Yay for a great week! 

Thanks for all the love, prayers, and support.

See you soon.

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