Saturday, October 6, 2018

Day at the Ranch II

Just checking in this morning before we run off to our next activity.  I've not had a lot to add to my blog, or rather I have lots of stuff to add but I haven't had a chance.  To sum up this year so far:

Mainly the kids are keeping me busy (and stressed).   What is it about odd number years that make it so hard?  
The last time I nearly experienced a break down like this was when Carlee was an infant with colic and Connor was a struggling first grader.  
I am determined to protect my mental and emotional health better this time around but it's hard for me.   I think I need this book in my life:

I would buy it but I can't read it right now.
The good news is my kids have verbal skills now and sleep at night (I mean seriously that makes a difference).  Right now, I am  appreciating the unexpected blessings that are hitting me at the right time.  
You know the blessings like:  loving and nonjudgemental teachers,  an authentic compliment, a husband who ignores your tangents, a funny text from a BFF, that new co-worker you get to know a little more each day (and really like), that old co-worker who you still love, sunsets, good coffee, running water, a new dress,
....  you know the good stuff.

This week another blessing was in the form of a field trip.  
It is my favorite.


One thing that stood out to me is how much my sensory children just loved the corn pit the best. 

Connor First Grade

Maybe because their sensory mother loved it also. 
There was only one adult that could convince me to leave my inhibitions (and my bad knee) in the hay and just have fun-

Mrs. J.  
Sure we were the only adults in the corn but it was worth it because I laughed so hard. 
This lady is my animal spirit after all.


The adventure begins:  the children just hop on the back of a flat bed truck and go!  The animals walk right up to the kids and they get a little snack.

It was a gorgeous but hot day. 

Girl Squad

Fall absolutely refuses to come to the Carolinas.
Don't worry, the heat didn't stop us from having fun.   After all, we are southern girls and we can take the heat!

A little lick won't hurt anything. 

 Carlee was a bit apprehensive about the animals, in particular the ostriches (I mean those things just go for it) but she really got into it mid-ride.

Carlee has a great teacher but I was so impressed with her class.  Another thing my kids have in common is that they both have the sweetest group of kids that traveled up with them (even in 7th grade).  Don't get me wrong, they still fight and do kid things, but I hear from other parents that some groups are so mean to each other.  
This truly was the sweetest class of kids! 

After our adventure, we carpooled with a mommy and daughter.  That was another unexpected blessing because it was so good to talk to another woman for two hours.  She also bought the girls a nice cold ice cream.  

Don't these two girls look like they could be in a summer ad?  

What a great memory to make with my little girl! 
We had so much fun and I'm glad I could take a whole day to appreciate her.

Ps.  I need to learn how to make a corn pit in my backyard for my most stressful days! 

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