Saturday, January 26, 2019

To the Mat

Today I am very proud of my son. 
His very first time on the mat was in November.  
12.5 hours a week (practice when school is closed)
...and rec. ball on top of it. 
His second match broke his heart (and mine).  
Wrestling can leave you vulnerable.
You get pinned in front of an audience
And we were unprepared for the hurt.
He dealt with much in the beginning....
a bully 
school work
He worked hard 
(even when he asked me if he could skip practice).
I would always say-  
Do you want to be a starter?
I don't really care if you wrestle 
but I know what you have to do 
if you want to get there-
Work for It.
In my head I kind of hated this sport.
Seeing my students get tossed and turned, 
hitting the mat,  
kids crying out...
picking my child up with a black eye 
and goose egg 
(that still hasn't went away)...
not great for this empath. 
We would pray.
Thank God for our successes 
and ask him to see us through our learned failures.
Father- help me to let go.
Sometimes before a match,
C. looked pale, scared, 
and so, so, so nervous, 
refusing to even glance my way.
I thought, 'why do humans do this?'
Pray, hurt, learn, grow.
With each match, he got better.
Then he became a starter.
Three matches later, 
he completed his first pin.
Today he won third place (JV) in the tournament.
He wrestled all four matches to get there today.
I want our young people,
who are struggling with so much in this world, 
to wrestle for what they want
in the way that Jacob wrestled God.
Stay the course
the hard times, 
the sad times, 
the good times, 
and the scary times.....
keep wrestling with God.
He will never let 
Suddenly you find yourself in a place 
of change
of blessings
of accomplishments, 
but it doesn't happen overnight.
Keep wrestling young people.
It has been a long season.
Today I am very proud of my son
and it has little to do 
with the medal.

C and his wrestling partner and friend.
Great job guys! 

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