Tuesday, January 21, 2020

My Shining Star

Middle School can be some pretty tough years for many kids.  I was certain it would be for mine-
What if he was bullied every day?
What if the curriculum was too hard?
What if his teachers didn't understand his needs?
What if he is unhappy every day?
What if he makes bad choices?

These are thoughts that run through the minds of so many parents.  I pray to do my part to help any parent with this transition because I understand it.  I want/wish middle school to be a wonderful place where kids get closer to finding who they are and what they love (the whole purpose of the middle school model).

As far as my young man goes, God heard every single prayer we sent.  My Connor is finding out a little more of who he is and what he is made of in this world. God and Faith has Blessed this family in ways I never thought possible.  

Tonight Connor was recognized with the very prestigious honor of being a STAR Student:   Successful- Thoughtful- Academically Resourceful- Student.  

Students are nominated based on the above characteristics and only two per school are chosen.
I'm not going to lie, I cried like a baby when I found out.  I was proud and maybe a small/petty part of me felt justified for him (it's hard to forget the ones who counted my boy out).

The school made a beautiful poster of Connor that will be printed and displayed at all schools including the central office.  He noted his reading challenges, his interests, and his role in church with the hope of one day being a youth leader (thank you to our youth leader S.).

Dang...class of 2024 doesn't seem as far away as it once did.

We all know when being the mom of a boy that we shall never get too comfortable... next week we might be in the office for trying to see how long mashed potatoes stick to the ceiling of the lunchroom... 
but for today we enjoy this moment. 

Connor we love you and could not be more proud, 

Mom, Dad, 
& Carlee too (Most of the Time)

We are also so proud of our little STAR student, ms. O., who is Carlee's very good pal
Isn't she a doll?  very well deserved

Monday, January 20, 2020

Goodbye Aunt Robin

-Today I was thinking of the yesterdays.  When I think of my childhood at least one or two memories come up with cousin moments.  Don’t they for you?  I never really lived close to any of my cousins but I absolutely got excited when holidays and rare visits would mean that we got to drive up to meet them.  It was a really BIG time if we actually got to spend the night!  

I would be featured in the lovely purple 80s ensemble 

A large part of that memory reserve was at Aunt Robin’s house (my mother's sister).  She had one son my age and one daughter my brother’s age and it was such fun to visit.
-Today is Aunt Robin’s funeral.
-Today I was also diagnosed with a strand of the flu leaving me at home instead of traveling to be with my mom, brother/sister, and cousins.
-Today I’m going to try to write a tribute to such a loving soul.
-Today is all about my Aunt Robin and sending her to her heavenly home with Uncle T.  still I most worry on my cousins, M. and B.  They have had to lay both of their parents to rest too soon and I ask for your prayers for them.  
-Today I reminiscent about the carefree days of ‘yesterday’.  There were not enough times of being carefree but I still treasure the chasing of fireflies, hide and seek, the playhouse at ‘Grannys', and always KFC picnics.

Things I treasure about Aunt Robin-

She was Hilarious 
When you first meet Robin she comes across as a very modest and conservative southern woman, but underneath it all she was pretty dang funny.   She cracked me up with her commentary on life.  The last visit I made, I think I recall her telling Connor she would be a very scary wrestler if she wore the same outfits of the women on WWE by simply walking out.  No wrestling moves needed.  ‘They would be amazed and quiver in fear by all the cellulite and veins’ she told him.  
She also liked my blog (you have to have humor to like my blog).

My mom is to the left and Robin is to the right. 

I think Carlee shares some major family resemblance.  

She was Faithful
Robin was faithful during the good times but most faithful during the hard.  While she had plenty of hard times, she always amazed me at how positive she seemed.  She had a fundamental belief in Jesus Christ  She may have hit the panic button but she never did it when I was around.  She once told me her church was like a close second family.  She enjoyed going and was an active participant in teaching, learning, and creating within her church.  I know the church kids loved her.

Robin and Mama (missing sister Judy, I couldn't find one picture)

She was Organic before it was ‘Cool’
This woman could make anything- quilts, halloween costumes, dresses, crafts, gourd bird feeders, clothing, etc.  When I was little, she had (in my eyes) a huge garden where I would eat fresh peas, pet goats, and even taste goat milk and cheese.  I would just run around the fields around her home like a crazy person.  She and mom shared a love of animals.  Robin always had dogs, cats, horses, chickens, and goats at her home (I was so jealous).  Her children showed horses and they all participated in many, many blue ribbon activities at the fair. I bet she has gazillions of blue ribbons and trophies from that time.

I really liked purple.  

She was a Peacemaker
Aunt R. had two children, two sisters, and a brother.  I think being the oldest of ALL of my siblings, I tend to be a bit more sassy with my family (I can hear Aunt R. saying 'sassy' hmmm. that is one word for it'), so I'm always in admiration for those Peacemakers of the world.   Aunt R. kept the sass down and the PEACE up.  In front of me, she always spoke of family with love.  Anytime one of the kids in the fam. would make a mistake, she always had kind words for them because after all, 'haven’t we all made those mistakes?'  Robin loved us all and liked for everyone to get along.

Robin and M. 

Robin and K.

Robin was absolutely devoted to her family, her children, and granddaughter
Anytime I visited with Robin she kept me up to date on her 'babies'.  She knew when they were going through hard times that they would find their way.  She knew when they were having high moments, to give glory to God.  She knew that her children were gifts and she loved being a mama/grandmama to them.
She was incredibly proud of her clan as she should be.
She had one beautiful granddaughter, K. (the same age as Connor) and it was double the blessings when she came along!
I believe Aunt R. was at peace knowing her precious K. had a great dad in M. and an awesome Aunt in B.

Cousin M. and Cousin B.  
(I didn't purposely try to find embarrassing pictures but it was the 80s we all look like this)
K., M, & B
(I had to steal more current pics off facebook, so they wouldn't kill me for the early ones.
aren't they all so dang cute?)

Aunt Robin you will be greatly missed.
Your Niece, 

Thursday, January 16, 2020

5 Minute Photo Challenge

Carlee loves to watch Jordan Matter's "10 Minute Photography Challenge" on YouTube!

Jordan is an amazing photographer who runs all over the city taking pictures in 10 minutes.
This one is with her fav Sofie Dossi! 

We did our own 5 minute challenge just for the heck of it when we got home (and to avoid homework).
Of course I don't have a nice (my dream) camera, so I just used my phone and my beautiful model!  

They turned out too cute in five minutes.

Like a Pro! 

Thursday, January 2, 2020

That's a Wrap

Christmas 2019-
That's a Wrap.

I've been two steps behind all month but we made it through with a very blessed Christmas.
Christmas Morning Excitement
A custom made Sofie Dossi Shirt (does anyone else have a Sofie Dossi lover at home?) 
and a NEW game system.

Even though Christmas brings growing children, my kids were still so excited about everything
(especially the 14 year old).

God is good-
love these two  

Christmas Moments:  
Denny Hamlin, Root Beer, and Family Fun.

Carlee wanted a computer for Christmas but we felt she is still a bit young at this time.  I was so excited to find a Discovery computer with built in games for typing, counting, and spelling to gift.

I was given one like this for Christmas when I was a kid 
Picture 2 of 9
and I loved it so much. I actually learned to type faster through one of the games (I wish I still had it).

Don't you love Christmas morning? So much excitement and messy fun!  
I told the kids no opening until 6am.  Connor had everyone up and downstairs by 6:01 sharp.  I really believe Carlee could have slept in a few more hours. 

This girl got the one special gift she asked from Santa-
A gymnastic bar.

She really had her heart set on this MC2 Makeup Kit.
 Image result for MC2 makeup set
Holy Cow it was nearly 100.00 and the reviews were terrible on every website.  I couldn't do it.

I found this sweet set for a fraction of the cost.
Cute. Cute.  
It had fun glitter eyeshadow and lipgloss for girls.
I don't think anyone noticed a difference.

New Year Sugar Cookies

I love the message on Carlee's new shirt (anyone remember what movie this is from? hint- Cinderella).  
We should all Have Courage and Be Kind in this world.

Prankster Gift from Dad- 
Girl's Bobby Socks 🤣

Even though Christmas is geared toward giving gifts to kids, I definitely got excited about some gifts.
Some of my favs included a lighted essential oil diffuser, a lovely pair of black slacks, an Erin Condren bullet journal, a bookstore for my Christmas Village, and art pens.   ðŸ’—

Another favorite- this framed black and white of Carlee.
We were at a cousin's wedding when it began to rain.  Everyone went inside the house and music began to play.  
Here my shy Carlee is dancing to herself with no shoes and no clue anyone is taking her picture.  
I just love this capture of my sweet little dancer.

We had so many great memories with family and friends and so much laughter.  I'm so sad to see our time off come to an end.  
I pray that 2020 brings spiritual growth, more energy, the best kind of love, and more moments of togetherness.  

I haven't made Holiday cards in about 4 years so until the day comes....
from my house to yours, 
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!