Tuesday, January 21, 2020

My Shining Star

Middle School can be some pretty tough years for many kids.  I was certain it would be for mine-
What if he was bullied every day?
What if the curriculum was too hard?
What if his teachers didn't understand his needs?
What if he is unhappy every day?
What if he makes bad choices?

These are thoughts that run through the minds of so many parents.  I pray to do my part to help any parent with this transition because I understand it.  I want/wish middle school to be a wonderful place where kids get closer to finding who they are and what they love (the whole purpose of the middle school model).

As far as my young man goes, God heard every single prayer we sent.  My Connor is finding out a little more of who he is and what he is made of in this world. God and Faith has Blessed this family in ways I never thought possible.  

Tonight Connor was recognized with the very prestigious honor of being a STAR Student:   Successful- Thoughtful- Academically Resourceful- Student.  

Students are nominated based on the above characteristics and only two per school are chosen.
I'm not going to lie, I cried like a baby when I found out.  I was proud and maybe a small/petty part of me felt justified for him (it's hard to forget the ones who counted my boy out).

The school made a beautiful poster of Connor that will be printed and displayed at all schools including the central office.  He noted his reading challenges, his interests, and his role in church with the hope of one day being a youth leader (thank you to our youth leader S.).

Dang...class of 2024 doesn't seem as far away as it once did.

We all know when being the mom of a boy that we shall never get too comfortable... next week we might be in the office for trying to see how long mashed potatoes stick to the ceiling of the lunchroom... 
but for today we enjoy this moment. 

Connor we love you and could not be more proud, 

Mom, Dad, 
& Carlee too (Most of the Time)

We are also so proud of our little STAR student, ms. O., who is Carlee's very good pal
Isn't she a doll?  very well deserved

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