Friday, July 2, 2021

Wild, Wild Bible Adventures

I know it's summer vacation but I would love to take the "vacation" part of that any day now.
This has truly been a Wild, Wild Adventure Week in more ways than one.

As soon as we arrived back from Florida, it was time to get back to real life.

First, Carlee had two dance practices and a recital this week 
(more details on that fiasco coming soon).

Second, I resumed twice weekly interventions sessions (and prep work on summer school).

Third, we began studying for the permit test because our appointment landed THIS WEEK.

Fourth, tennis.

Fifth, I had to get started immediately for Wild, Wild Bible Adventures for Vacation Bible School!! 
First step- 10 batches of fake mud for the young Israelites.

Obviously I had some awesome plans so satan took to attacking me right away because I got sick and had little energy. 
I haven't been sick since October!   
The streak was awesome while it lasted.

Sure, we had no clean clothing for the week.  
What can I say, I was surviving! 

I did FINALLY clean that kitchen mid-week.
 I couldn't take it anymore, 
I needed a clean spoon!

The setting up for VBS was not without its challenges either.
Have you ever set up The Red Sea with 98 degree weather outside??
I was dying.  
I was afraid to mess with the thermostat too much for fear I would make the thing explode and then everyone would have no air conditioning for VBS (all thanks to me).  I had already ripped a piece of the wall putting up the ocean and all my wall coverings kept falling in the other room....
there is only so much trouble one baptist can get into! 

our arts/ crafts teachers made this- amazing!
our arts & crafts teacher made this- UHmazing

FINALLY, Blessed Day 
VBS began and I was stoked!!   
VBS always works out in the end.
This year we did the Wild, Wild Bible Adventures.
 I love Group VBS.  
I like the way they do rotations, the interactiveness, and bible stories that are not as traditional as some of the other bible schools.

This week our focus was on Moses and the Israelites.

Lesson #1:
When Life is Unfair-  God is Good! 

I immediately began to put my little Israelites to work as slaves!!
They had to get to work in the "hot sun" making more and more bricks for Pharaoh.
The more they asked to worship God the more they were denied and made to work MORE! 

The "Mud" recipe in the teacher's guide was perfect.
It was the right consistency between mud and play-dough and it kept overnight.
We purchased raffia in place of straw in case of allergies.  It was very realistic. 

The kids LOVED this part so much.

This lesson was such a great reminder for me because I was battling with a few things that I have deemed 110% unfair.  Is there a job where you don't feel that way?
It was such an awesome reminder to remember the Israelites in the worse circumstances fully relied and fought for God.

God is good.

Seriously, look at that face? 
It matches his mommy's face in the background, and everyone else...what was I talking about!?!  lol  
I could look at that face alllll day- he is such a  CUTE baby!!! 

I was a bit nervous when I learned the nursery would be in my rotations.  
I was afraid I couldn't adapt, but 
I had nothing to worry over.  
This was literally the smartest and sweetest group of toddlers/babies!
They did a great job absorbing God's word and I got the added bonus of spending time with the most adorable group EVER! 

Lesson #2:
When Life is Scary-  God is Good! 

If worldwide events have told you anything, we can only rely on the one TRUE God. 
Faith doesn't look like insane ramblings on Facebook but rather like Israelites who continued to worship even though they were enslaved, punished, and watchful when the terrifying plagues began.


We set Pharaoh's Castle up in the hall so the kids could see him but also so he could exit and enter our area every time we would shout "Let My People Go!?!"

I had the perfect partner in crime to play Pharaoh.  He was both hilarious and stubborn! 
It was perfect for the kids.

best helper ever

The plagues were very interactive.  

We lifted the river to see that the Nile turned to blood with the dead fish! 

All of Pharaoh's livestock passed away.

The locusts and the flies just ate away all of Pharaoh's plants! 
We even had about 100 paper balls ready to pelt Pharaoh when the hail came.
(My station required daily vacuuming.)

And he still said NO to letting (us) the Israelites go!! 

God told Moses to order the Israelite families to sacrifice a lamb and smear the blood on the door of their houses. In this way the angel would know to 'pass over' the houses of the Israelites. This is why the festival commemorating the escape from Egypt is known as Passover.

Finally, Pharaoh let the people GO! 
Trust in God

This was one of my favorite nights!  

Uh Oh... 
Looks like theres a new Pharaoh in town! 

Lesson #3:
When Life Changes-  God is Good! 

Oh yes, 
I am a classic "don't move my cheese" person but in this life, 
your cheese is going to move.
Trust me when I say,
God is Good even as you are clinging to that old, moldy cheese!

Tonight my Israelites had to make a quick escape because that dirt devil Pharaoh changed his mind and tried to take them back as slaves.
We were really freaking out that God took us this far only to let us drown with no escape!!
Suddenly Moses reminded us to have faith!! 
Remember that God is GOOD all the time.

Just then, 
God parted the Red Sea and saved us all right before it fell and drowned out Pharaoh's dirty men. 
It was pretty dark as we were passing the Red Sea, so there are not many photos but here is a video of me taking a stroll!

The kids got a big kick out of it! 
Talk about Faith, I was afraid one sneeze would bring the whole thing down! I was begging God to hold that paper sea (and He did). 

We continued marching through the HOT desert, and 
God led us right to the Oasis of Marah-
where the bitter water was turned pure for us to quench our thirst.

God even provided us with fire, manna, and pheasants (marshmallow peeps).

This little engineer was fascinated with the fire (and the on/off switch).

All of our needs (and even wants) were covered.
God takes such good care of His people.  

Due to my role this year I wasn't able to check out all the other stations but I know my kids enjoyed the week as much as I did.

God is Good Y'all! 


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