Sunday, January 30, 2022

January Reads 2022

Let's start with the BeSt 5 star read of the month!! 
My daughter recently went on a play date and I saw this book on the shelf.  When I mentioned to the mom that I had always wanted to read it, the mom said 'go ahead and borrow it'!  (I know this woman is going to be a cool mom friend, and her book shelves ROCK.)

Tara Westover is a memoirist and historian with a doctorate from the University of Cambridge at Trinity College.  In this book, she shares the magnificent story of her life.  
I. could. not. put. it. down. people.
Tara was raised by anti-government, survivalist-primitive parents! 
Her family never allowed the children medical care, educational books other than the bible, current events, and did not believe in modern anything.
The fact this story takes place in the deep wilderness of Idaho in the middle of a scrap yard, with a bipolar father, a herbalist mother, and an abusive brother just add to the dimensions with each page.  
Remember the Ruby Ridge stand off?  Think of the same type of family.  Sometimes you see the perspective of the family but not for long.
After I read this story, I watched every interview that Tara Westover ever gave and google searched her ENTIRE family.
I've read a lot of interviews and reviews where people question the validity of this story.  I was so surprised at the people who wrote "why didn't she leave?"
I'm 43 years old and have lived in the deep south my whole life and never for one second did I question this story.  I also FULLY understood Tara's mentality and struggle to even think of parting from her family or their ideals.
As a teacher I know family (no matter how wrong, how criminal, how backwards) is the single most important and influential part of a child's life. You are better off respecting that from the start.  
Run don't walk to get this one (if you are one of the few that haven't read it yet). 

This one I bought on clearance as an audio read.
I love baking shows, so I LOVED the synopsis of this book:
Josh Kincaid has to save his family's bakery because after all his family saved him when they adopted him as a homeless 10 year old. 
He finds the solution in Kimmy- the world's BEST cupcake baker with a domineering mother, a low confidence, and a bad habit of sharing her weird dreams.  The problem?  Josh is suppose to be Kimmy's competition and enemy.  
Doesn't it sound good?
Sadly, it did nothing for me but make me hungry.  Normally I adore quirky fun characters but this one was WAY over the top and the audio made her voice extremely squeaky and needy.
I also wasn't prepared for the sugary overload of metaphors that came out of this one-
"I'm going to butter her cream..."
"She will frost my cupcakes if she ever found out..."
"He looks like he wants to powder your muffins..."
"He was a full fledged german chocolate cake with sprinkles..."
"You feel better than caramel frosting..."

Seriously this book got 5 star reviews!!
Maybe your "tastes" will differ but don't get a toothache from all those metaphors.

This is a 5 book mystery set that was on sale via Chirp! 
I went through the first one and bought the other four.  
If I'm following a book on audio it has to be something with a pretty simple plot, otherwise I'm hitting the rewind button every minute because I get lost in thought. 
I'm already on the third with this series.

Meet Maggie Gerber who leads the "Good Buy Girls", a group of women who love good deals and big fun. 
Maggie lives in small town St. Stanley, Virginia and is moving into her 'empty nest' phase of life.  Things are going along smoothly when there is a MURDAH and her good friend (the sweet librarian) is accused! (dun..dun...dun)  
Maggie uses her same take charge approach with solving crimes that she does with getting good buys.  (I loved the Tasty Freeze Lawyer too.)
The best part is when her old flame enters the picture by becoming the new sheriff (he sounds pretty cute).  Maggie thinks he is doing a terrible job and tells him about it.  Lots of fabulous tension between Maggie and the sheriff.
Things heat up in book 2 with Maggie buying a thrift shop and the "new" sheriff putting the moves on Maggie but NOT before the SECOND murder at the doctor's office.
Of course Maggie has to swoop in and start solving the crime with her price slashing friends.  They have the total Girl Squad thing going and fully support Maggie every time the town's mean girl (Summer) tries to take a bite out of her while she takes a bite out of crime.  
These books are also pretty PG, so you don't have to worry about playing these while making dinner.

I read this with my middle school reading group as part of my intervention stations.   I love books that have lower reading levels but adult concepts (but don't worry, not too adult).
This book lends itself to a lot of upper level discussion.
Meet 11 year old Ellie.
Ellie is going through typical girl growing pains.  She and her mom are totally different, her best friend has found a new group, and her parents are divorced...
Oh yeah, AND her grandfather is a genius scientist who turned himself into a teenage boy.    
There were so many funny moments partnered with serious moments.  The thing that I really liked is that everyone in Ellie's family loved and supported her and each other.  Just because a family is divorced or different doesn't mean everyone can't put the child first!   
I also adored the way Ellie and her grandfather grew closer together, and he helped Ellie discover that she too was a scientist.   The part about Ellie's grandmother literally brought me to tears because grandpa loved her so much.  
This book challenges the concept that "younger is better" and Ellie learns to stand on her two feet.  When she found her voice it was awesome.  During the time I was reading this book, my own 9 year old was struggling to find her place in school and I really understood Ellie.    I agree with the message in this story that sometimes you have to step back to let your child step forward.   

I'm already on some February reads.  I'm trying to step outside my typical genre.  See ya next month.

Monday, January 17, 2022

Snow Storm 22

We had ourselves a bit of a snowstorm (not in Michigan standards but southern standards).
At first it was big fun.
Carlee went outside.
Mags kicked up the dust.
We let Connor walk a few miles up the road to a neighbor's house to play football.
But then,
the weather turned cold, the snow turned to ice, the wind picked up, and things started going BiZeRCO.

The power began to flicker (eventually cutting off), the shingles blew off the neighbor's house, a live wire came loose at the end our our drive, and another neighbor's transformer blew in front of us......
and my Connor walking around.  
My mom-xiety kicked in and all I could envision was the wind blowing my little fellow under an 18 wheeler or a piece of a tin roof bonking him in the head while he lay motionless on the ground.

(yes, darren and carlee laughed at me too.)

My imagination has no possible end to the dangers that could touch my kids.  I need therapy.

Against his 16 year old nature I demanded he come home while I waited anxiously by the window (chewing my nails and counting the seconds) until I saw his lean frame turn the corner.  It took like 10 minutes but I called him three times.  He shared in a lovely teen voice  'it's hard to talk, walk, and navigate a road with ice pelting my face!!'
I felt like I was a  character in The Schoolhouse Blizzard.  Come home.  Just come home.

I know the day will come when I can't look out the window to see my kids turn the corner.  Then what!?!  Will God prepare me?  Will I be ready for that time?
It was in that moment I prayed for every mother that has a soldier, a missionary, college student, or even a child lost to addiction because I'm sure the worry never stops.  All we can pray is that we see them turn the corner home.

Drama aside, 
the wonderful tree cutters, linemen, police officers, EMS, firefighters, and others worked tirelessly through our whole community.
Thank you isn't enough and we are so blessed with water, food, and heat because of these workers.

The next day, 
it was time for some sleddinggggg.
I'm not a snow person but you can't help but get in the spirit when the whole FaM comes out.
I love these crazy people! 

Don't worry yall!  I caught some air!
This picture gave me a good laugh for sure.
Mags had a blast with me.

We even did some night sledding.
Not my Idea
Now y'all know my mom-xiety had my thinking my kids would slide right into a tree in the black night, bleeding, while I tried to slide after them against the harsh elements.
I stamped down my vivid imagination and went on with it.  
Besides there is no need to miss a beautiful winter night with a full moon.  In the words of Aristotle, "to appreciate the beauty of a snowflake, it is necessary to stand out in the cold".

Stay Warm

Here is our Snow Video


Saturday, January 1, 2022

Happy 2022

2021 is finished.  

In many ways I still feel very stuck in 2020.  It's like 2021 had the same theme but the cast had even less chemistry and humor than 2020.

IN this chapter of my life, each day is so fast.  It's so hard to catch up and reflect.  

There are evenings I literally go to bed without brushing my teeth, washing my face, and barley the energy to change out of my work clothes.   I know it's disgusting but I also know exhaustion like nothing else.  When you give 110% to everyone else, you experience that level of just being tired by 8pm.  I had to drive to pick up one of the kids at 9pm the other night and you would have thought I was asked to drive to New York City at 1am.  I'm afraid I am getting old.    

My blogs have been cut in half.   I've only posted 16 this year.  Do people even blog anymore?  All my Fav bloggers now VLOG on Youtube.  (Filming/editing videos is just too much work for me.)

I hate that I don't share stories like I once did.  This use to be my favorite way of expression and the way I worked through my feelings.   Not only do I have less time but as my kids grow into teenagers, certain things become more private.

Believe me when I say there are so many things I want to vent, share, and write about when raising a tween girl and a teen boy today, not to mention working with teenagers in current times.   Maybe one day I will write these things but just not in the middle of it.  

Overall I'm rich in love and blessings.  I have such precious kids, family, students, and friends.   God has given me more than I ever deserve and my prayer is that I never take too much credit or advantage of life.

A little photo recap of 2021:

I am ringing in the New Year with a lot of organization and rest!
I had a great Christmas break with lots of FaM time.
I will do a Christmas Recap soon.
Darren said he wished we planned a trip, 
but not me because I loved spending time at home.
We did some MUCH needed organization and cleaning out. 

 The stuff...UGHHHH.... THE STUFF.

We worked and worked and worked
until we created a few precious spots throughout our home.
I'm loving it. 

We traded furniture around a bit but it all worked out after about 3 days of stress. 

Carlee is really into aesthetic looks.  
(I know, just google it.)

Cactus Reversible Duvet 

with "aesthetic" pictures.

Desk Set Up.  
Not for reading and homework of course, this is for housing Sasha Banks 'Boss Time' studded rings and hair prep.
(All the books got moved to the basement without my permission. ðŸ˜•. How are you supposed to have room for books and pencils when you were gifted the ENTIRE Dolly Parton Fragrance Set. 👅 )

Maybe this reading nook will motivate.  It makes me want to cozy up with a good one.

Y'all I am LIVING for this MommaMan Cave!! 

This fall we had our basement fixed for flooding.
So Darren set this corner over break and I love ittttttt.  
I walked the entire first episode (season 4) of Cobra Kai.
Any Cobra Kai fans?
New Season is OUT Fans

It's been a few years since I've been motivated to set New Year's Resolution but I do love goals (even if I give up on some of them).

I think the #1 goal should be to take advantage of the MommaMan Cave and get my heart health on.

#2- do more things I love-like go to the MOVIES!  
I haven't been to a movie in forever but I love going to the big theatre.  In the words of my middle schoolers, "it just hits different". 
I saw two 5 out of 5 star movies over break.

Spiderman No Way Home on Christmas Eve:

Connor and I LOVE Spiderman, although my personal favorite is Batman.  I just don't know how anyone can beat out Christian Bale but I'm pretty excited about the upcoming Robert Patterson. 

Next I took the ladies to see SING II.
Oh. My. Gosh.  
I was NOT expecting it to be so good.  The music, the voices, the plot was fantastic.  I want the soundtrack NOW.

Nooshy the breakdancing cat played by Letita Wright was my favorite character. 

#3-  read.  
I would love to average 3 books a month- 
informative, middle grade, and something for fun.

I barely met my goal this year. 

 I didn't read anything really great except for the Sarah Maas Court Books (love them, and I don't like fantasy).  
Average stars for most reads- 3.5

#5-  blog/ write/ capture
Stay Tuned! 

Happy New Year!!!