Monday, January 17, 2022

Snow Storm 22

We had ourselves a bit of a snowstorm (not in Michigan standards but southern standards).
At first it was big fun.
Carlee went outside.
Mags kicked up the dust.
We let Connor walk a few miles up the road to a neighbor's house to play football.
But then,
the weather turned cold, the snow turned to ice, the wind picked up, and things started going BiZeRCO.

The power began to flicker (eventually cutting off), the shingles blew off the neighbor's house, a live wire came loose at the end our our drive, and another neighbor's transformer blew in front of us......
and my Connor walking around.  
My mom-xiety kicked in and all I could envision was the wind blowing my little fellow under an 18 wheeler or a piece of a tin roof bonking him in the head while he lay motionless on the ground.

(yes, darren and carlee laughed at me too.)

My imagination has no possible end to the dangers that could touch my kids.  I need therapy.

Against his 16 year old nature I demanded he come home while I waited anxiously by the window (chewing my nails and counting the seconds) until I saw his lean frame turn the corner.  It took like 10 minutes but I called him three times.  He shared in a lovely teen voice  'it's hard to talk, walk, and navigate a road with ice pelting my face!!'
I felt like I was a  character in The Schoolhouse Blizzard.  Come home.  Just come home.

I know the day will come when I can't look out the window to see my kids turn the corner.  Then what!?!  Will God prepare me?  Will I be ready for that time?
It was in that moment I prayed for every mother that has a soldier, a missionary, college student, or even a child lost to addiction because I'm sure the worry never stops.  All we can pray is that we see them turn the corner home.

Drama aside, 
the wonderful tree cutters, linemen, police officers, EMS, firefighters, and others worked tirelessly through our whole community.
Thank you isn't enough and we are so blessed with water, food, and heat because of these workers.

The next day, 
it was time for some sleddinggggg.
I'm not a snow person but you can't help but get in the spirit when the whole FaM comes out.
I love these crazy people! 

Don't worry yall!  I caught some air!
This picture gave me a good laugh for sure.
Mags had a blast with me.

We even did some night sledding.
Not my Idea
Now y'all know my mom-xiety had my thinking my kids would slide right into a tree in the black night, bleeding, while I tried to slide after them against the harsh elements.
I stamped down my vivid imagination and went on with it.  
Besides there is no need to miss a beautiful winter night with a full moon.  In the words of Aristotle, "to appreciate the beauty of a snowflake, it is necessary to stand out in the cold".

Stay Warm

Here is our Snow Video


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