Monday, August 21, 2023

Weekend Wanderings

 Weekend Wanderings

Aunt Judy 

I have to start my musings from the weekends by honoring my late Aunt Judy who passed this weekend. 

Once I was moved to North Carolina as a child I didn't get to really see a lot of my family into adulthood but Judy always let me know she was proud of me whenever we spoke.  I have such fond memories of Aunt Judy because I spent a lot of time with her as a youngster.  This woman had a lot of rare qualities and skills that are sadly not observed often in today's world.  I always thought I inherited a lot of my teaching skills between my aunts.   Where Aunt Robin had the loving-creative and sensitive approach, Aunt Judy brought the loving- structured and no nonsense approach.  Children were NOT going to get out of line with Aunt Judy.   She is the only woman I know that had glass figurines all over the house and rarely had a small child touch or break one.  

Things I remember about Aunt Judy:

-She ran an impeccable household.  

Her home was always spotless.  I remember her kitchen had magnetic cabinets that once held rows and rows of magnets from all over (not a spec of dust on one).  When she moved, she gifted me a bag of them because I was always fascinated and would ask her for "just one" on my visits.  Running a perfect house may not seem like much of an accomplishment but coming from someone who just sweated through two shirts just to straighten my house with a family of four, it's a huge accomplishment with a family of seven.

-She was a foster care mother to tons of children (I wish I knew the exact number). 

Judy was in the field for so long that she was once featured in the newspaper for her accomplishments in fostering.  I always remember different children in the spare bedroom at her home.  If there was ever a child that needed a home, I know Judy would open the doors until her last day.

-She was a devoted wife and mother.  

Judy was married from a young woman until the day Uncle Thomas passed.  They raised five children.  Their legacy continues to 11 grandchildren and 14 great grandchildren!!  There were always ups and downs but Judy never turned her back on her children.  She loved each one and was very proud of all.

-She could cook.

When her kids were growing up, she did not rely on the McDonalds crap.  She laid down real food and real meals for everyone.  She was whole foods before whole foods was cool.

-She never had one hair out of place.  

 She would once roll and sleep in (some pretty severe) curlers and always looked beauty shop ready.  She kept her figure trim her whole life.  (See next point to see how.) 

-She loved coffee.  

Judy drank coffee all day.  I'm pretty sure her blood system contained more black coffee than plasma.

-She was pretty darn funny.  

Judy had a great sense of humor with a big throaty laugh.  Her kids are some of the funniest people you will meet.  I think if you can pass joy down to each generation then mission accomplished.

Aunt Judy is a rare one and I know she will be missed until we all meet again at the pearly, white gates.

Rest in Peace Aunt Judy💗

Growing Kids

I was never a mom who thought the kids were "growing too fast" when they were little because of all the next exciting milestones.  The second the kids finished elementary I was overcome with the speed of growth. 

Happy Birthday Daddy O

For the first year, Carlee and Connor will be in youth group together. 
They've both found an awesome couple who (or whom?) leads (or lead?) youth (it's been a long day).
Yesterday they had a pretty good time with the Back to School water games.

I love watching my kids grow socially and with God.

(Best of all, her brother can drive her now!)


Look at this handsome young man!?!  
Don't tell him to "enjoy" every minute please, because he can't wait to get out of high school.   I don't know why because he is loved by many but you know this age.   
I'm looking forward to Connor growing in his own confidence and skills.  
All I have to say is 'watch out world' because God is in planning mode. 

I'm so happy he is continuing with Upward Ministry football and the high school league continues this year.  
I'm more than thankful to this ministry that has offered a way for Connor to further stay connected spiritually. 

Middle School Rules

Carlee started middle school (with me)!
I was so blessed to have Connor start middle school with me.  I'm pretty excited to start with Carlee. 

I desperately want this to be a place where Carlee finds her interests and begins to really feels comfortable in her own skin.   
So far she is liking math, ELA, and Cooking & Design (aka. Home EC). 
Carlee LOVES fashion, 
so if she learns to sew in Home EC we may get to see some Carlee originals! 

Back to School 

I'm back and going into year 21 as a teacher.  I now rank in the mature teacher stage where I can stop a kid with a stare and I wear sneakers with slacks because my plantar fasciitis hurts.  

For so many reasons I won't delve into the fact that I started this year in a FUNK.
Thanks to this lady↓ for encouraging and taking my insane/ bossy directions at every turn.

She did everything from reviewing change after change in schedule, setting up an empty room, and designing lessons for start of the year.  Thanks to her help, 
we began serving kids on DAY ONE and I don't know many service providers that can say the same.

We teach the best students at our school! 

"MEG" is the very best, the kids love her,  and she made my frown turn upside down. 

(BTW I also did some retail therapy to make myself feel better and now I have this cow tote that makes me happy too.)

New Generation

Carlee and I enjoyed a baby shower this weekend (for a little boy)! 
I made my favorite- diaper baby.  
Yes, I plan to do it for every baby shower now.

The journey is just starting for this new and nervous mom and I already know the secret-   
none of us knew what to do but somehow the wisdom develops with each passing minute, 
minutes that turn into long back breaking days, 
and days that turn into heartbreaking short years.

My "Baby" 

Life is like a rose, peeping through the hardships of life to to bloom with color. 