Tuesday, January 26, 2016

First Snow

Oh Boy!  
We have so been snowed in this week.

Don't even ask me what this is, I just walked up on it (and yes those are goldfish crackers).

I walked up on this too!

Even the dog was going stir crazy!

This is one reason why I am not always a lover of the snow, it disrupts the schedule (and it is really cold).

but I want to wear a bathing suit outside

The silver lining,

there has been lots of family time and it finally warmed enough to PLAY!

The children love the snow.
Somehow it is always more exciting when dad is part of the play.

It took Carlee a few minutes to 'warm' up to the snow.

This year, Connor showed her all the ways she could have more fun.

are they not the sweetest?

Check out our sledding video:
(I had to use a new video software because iMovie gave up, which added to my snow anxiety.)

More Snowy Scenes:

Even Elsa got in on the action, 
after all 'the cold doesn't bother her anyway'.

Elsa Snow Angel

Elsa makes a snowman.

Snowball Fight

Good Night Snow

Monday, January 18, 2016


Oh we have been so busy today!

Yesterday I killed myself getting chores done, so today was just for fun.

While we were out to lunch, B. and C. planned out their very own wrestling video.

They came up with the match, the names, the music, and the title.

There was only one thing left to do....

You can tell what I lack in wrestling knowledge I make up for in showmanship.
Connor is a real study on at home wrestling videos so he already has a whole mental list of things to do differently.  I can't wait.

Enjoy the Superstars.....

Sunday, January 10, 2016

The Lord's Prayer

What if we replaced social media time with prayer time?

It's been on my mind and heart to build up more personal interaction with God into The New Year.
Jesus taught it is necessary to connect in prayer.  Prayer from the heart...

..like a child who prays.
This morning, we did stations based on the Lord's Prayer.
We had so many kids, we had to spill out in the hallway.

Our Father in heaven

'Making All New' Collage
hallowed be your name

God Dominoes* with the names of God

Your Kingdom come, 
your will be done, 
on earth as in heaven

 Finding locations on maps and praying over the lost and for God's will.

Give us today our daily bread

I hope a honey bun counts as bread! ;)

Forgive us our sins,
as we forgive those who sin against us

We made flowers out of coffee filters.  Then we dropped them in our mini baptism pool. 
As one child said, 'this looks like toilet paper in a toilet'.    #fail

*Lead us not into temptation, 
but deliver us from evil. 
For the kingdom, 
the power and the glory are yours. 
Now and for ever.

Matthew 6: 9-13

*printables on Flame Children's Ministry

Thursday, January 7, 2016


Today was a no good rotten day.
I was juggling way too much and made a major error.  
There is only so much one person can manage.
My stress became my son's stress.
He didn't play well tonight.
He was disappointed.
I felt more guilt.
On top of that,  someone as Carlee's daycare asked if I was her "grandma"!?!
She misses her mama, a busy mama who needs to slow down.
I cried my eyes out twice (not about the grandma, but I wanted to).
My husband offered grace.

Sometimes a family has to find the sweet.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Our Hearts Rejoice in Him

This year I said 'no' to the Christmas play.  
Timing was in a way that play practice started while Connor had homework, Awana, football, and basketball all at the same time.  I didn't think he could do anymore and I knew I couldn't do anymore.  
I also knew that Carlee would NEVER detach herself from me to take a role.  I had decided we would just go and enjoy the show.  

It was Connor who was asked to be a wise man and he was on board for it.  His friends from church were doing it and he told me he wanted to also.  At times, he didn't want to run lines or attend the longer practices, but he understood and kept his commitment without trouble.

Parenting Tips 101:  
1. If you have a young energetic boy who volunteers for ANYTHING positive- support it.  2.  Good influences are important.

Next, I was told Carlee in fact wanted to be an angel in her Awana class.  (Apparently, she walked up with the others in practice.)

someone likes to take pictures like her mama

SO just like that, my kids were a part of the play.

The church play offered a Christmas message of hope, love, and rejoicing in the birth of Christ... 

all of which can be lost when you are the mother of a child in the play.

Don't judge me.  I just wasn't feeling so spiritual when trying to calm nerves, rehearse lines, discipline backstage behavior, find lost hair pins, argue about the costume, finding toys/ puzzles/ snacks/ songs/ coloring/ etc. to entertain,  clean up messes, missing cell phone, silliness on stage, tears before showtime, and just when I was about to pull my hair out.....  the show began.

I am still.  I hold my breath (while I hold my angel) and our three little wild, wise men came out to say their lines loud and clear.   They nailed it.

My son proudly said all of his lines including "and one star shone more brightly than all the others.... and just like Jesus sent his Son that would lead the world out of darkness, this bright star led them to Bethlehem."

....and suddenly my cup was so filled with up with the goodness of God.  

Really, one could name 100 reasons why the birth of Christ should not have happened.  I mean there was such political turmoil, the anger of such powerful people, difficulty in travel, family shunning, the possibility of medical complications, no solid place to live, the massacre of innocence... the list goes on.  Yet, God gave us one reason why Jesus would be born.  
His one trumps anything else. Just like the children sing, 'If God is for us, who can stand against us?" 
Don't let anyone stop you from your relationship with God, there is no reason that could stand against His birth and sacrifice.
Jesus was born for me, He was born for my family, He was born for everyone!

Then my precious angel (who prior would NOT detach herself from me during practice)  grabbed the hand of her little friend.  She walked to the front of the crowded church, and my shy, little angel started to SING.  Yes!  Carlee started to sing and bob her head.
Rejoice in Him!

I was so touched, I forgot about my outfit (that may or may not have been clean), the cheerios under my feet, the pocketbook that had been turned upside down, and I just let myself rejoice in our church children delivering such a powerful message.

Behold the Lamb of God has come
Behold the Lamb of God has come
Behold the Savior is born
Sing of His love
To everyone

Today our hearts rejoice in him
Today our hearts rejoice in him
Today the light of His birth
Fills us with hope
And brings peace on earth

Merry Christmas to All
Blessed New Year