Thursday, August 3, 2017

Chasing Rainbows

Warning:  Long Blog Ahead
We just got back from a great Tennessee vacation and I have all the photos here! 

The kids and I met up with my mom, sister, brothers, niece, etc. for a wild trip to the mountains.    We had to leave daddy at home to work which is so sad because we had all the Smoky fun you could handle.
The cabin and view were truly beautiful.  The fresh mountain air killed my allergies but it sure was 'perdy' to look at each morning. 

←Connor's Boa sleeping on the bed.  

Hot Tub:  Otherwise known as a diving pool to the children.  #sloshingwater
I made the mistake of entering the hot tub one time with the kids.  It was worse than the Firecracker Rollercoaster-  Limbs EVERYWHERE.

Nascar Speedway

This was Connor's happy place.

Blaster Boats were really fun.  I had an 8 year old boy follow me around on a boat squirting me in the face while screaming "GET HER!!"  Then I had the challenge of exiting the boat without falling into the water.  Luckily I made it out alive! 

Hey Dale Earnhardt Jr. , I have a replacement for you!  

Let's go Racing Boys (and Girls)!! 


Ripley's Aquarium

look at these crazy eels

This was a really beautiful aquarium until......

a FREAKING SHARK tried to eat us!!!

I know what you are thinking 'Amanda, you could have given it more drama than that!"
I was actually screaming like a shark was attacking but Uncle C. was like 'chill....we are taking a picture not making a movie!'  He pulled out the drama pose pretty good.  
Connor said he 'wanted to look like he was passing out'  instead he looks pretty bored a shark is attacking us.  Carlee's face says 'I wonder if I can make shark shoes?'
Cousin Tru-Bug looks like she is just screaming because she got stuck with this family in an emergency.  


Meltdown Mama #1:  Even though we were in Dolly Land, I don't think the world was ready for my Diva.  She insisted on wearing high platforms and of course they were hurting so I pulled out her sneakers that I packed (because I knew they would be hurting) but I didn't remember socks so it was screaming all through the aquarium before I placed her in timeout (by the sharks).  I was begging a shark to come and eat one of us.  To make a long story short:  IT HURTS!  Those SHOES HURT!  (SCREAM. SCREAM.) I DON'T LIKE THEM!  (SCREAM. SCREAM).... for an hour.
#Sensory Kids
Eventually (in my psychotic anger) I threatened to throw shoes away, throw her into the eel water, take the pool time away, take Dolly Parton away.....
we compromised with $6.00 mermaid socks from the gift shop.  Now the shoes felt ok to her feet.

I guess I will keep her.  
Little Doll Diva



That one crazy Uncle
....keeps us cracking up.

I went for a little dive but the suit was a bit big.....

Uncle M.

Meltdown Mama #2:  We had such fun in the pool near the cabins.  
Until the end of the night when Diva scratched her leg.  To make a long story short:  IT HURTS!  IT BURNS!  (SCREAM. SCREAM.) IT HURTS!  IT HURTS!  (SCREAM. SCREAM).... for an hour.


Here we come Dolly!


Chasing Rainbows Museum:  Here we saw Dolly's childhood home, outfits, original Coat of Many Colors, and even a Dolly-gram (hologram) which freaked Connor out. Would you believe that we have never watched the movie?  I plan to rent it tonight!  
I can't wait to to watch it now that I have been in the museum.  This woman came from a home of 13 people (11 children/ 2 adults) in a one bedroom cabin to being worth $650 million dollars as of 2016!!   I just have to post this letter that she wrote home when first leaving for Nashville.    The story is so inspiring. 

All of Dolly Parton dresses and shoes were the highlight for Carlee (of course). 


Taking in the Gazillion of Bubbles Laser Show.
It was a really cool show. 

See my other sensory kid with those ears plugged?  The struggle is real.

We had so much fun riding and laughing.   I had no idea Carlee was such a thrill seeker!
Across the park, Aunt K. put Carlee on the Scrambler and I raced up to stop her, scared to death.  Everyone insisted that she would be fine.  Guess What?  She LOVED it.  She rode every roller coaster and spinning ride that she was allowed (multiple times).   Who Knew?

During a wait for the Ferris Wheel,  I made friends with a child who was definitely on the spectrum somewhere.  He grabbed my phone right from my hand to see the photo that I took of the ride. He was wearing a Minecraft shirt and I said 'do you like tablets? and Minecraft?'.... and his eyes lit up and he talked very intelligently (and robotically) about data, gigabyte, games, etc. (He has 93 games.)  Even when we boarded the ride, he was talking to me below about all of his games.  I totally get it and he made me smile. 

loves heights

Sissy E. is the ultimate Thrill SEEKER

Babies...No Longer Babies.  😢

Oh wait, I can't forget Meltdown Mama #3:  After about 9 hours in Dollywood, Carlee was playing barefoot in the park when she was stunk by a bee.  To make a long story short:  IT HURTS!  IT BURNS!  (SCREAM. SCREAM.) IT HURTS!  IT HURTS!  (SCREAM. SCREAM).... for an hour.  
We were stopped by staff multiple times who offered bandages, ice, and popsicles.  You may have heard of the 'Shot Heard Round the World' but have you heard the 'Scream heard Round the Dollyworld'?  After carrying a child whose legs now slap my knees, we made it to the paramedics where numbing gel and more popsicles were offered.  I asked the EMS to make sure her leg wasn't sawed off because perhaps I was missing something. Carlee's pain continued until we reached the Trolly where my back was screaming louder than the child.   I was never so happy to get to the C- Cotton Candy parking lot.    
By the time we got home, all was well again but a bee sting must really hurt.   

What an Adventure!
Even with my little one having dramatic moments, it was great to laugh, play, and spend a nice time together.  
I can't wait to chase more rainbows and make more memories soon but for now.....
unpacking and laundry.  

I made a Vaycay Video compilation here--

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