Monday, May 21, 2018

Racing through the Weekend

It's Monday, and I am absolutely exhausted but I'm going to try to sneak in a few pictures before I'm off to Carlee's PTO program.  She is practicing her songs in her "dressing room" as I type.  #diva
my baby girl

Who wouldn't be exhausted, 
as if the Royal Wedding was not enough excitement....
Aren't they the sweetest (even though Princess Kate and Prince William are still my favs )?

I also joined Connor on his trip to the Charlotte Motor Speedway- All Star Race.  

For those of you who don't know me, I would rather retile my bathroom floor than go to a race but Connor's RCC Club had made plans to attend this Saturday.  In addition to having 101 deadlines in the upcoming weeks, I really didn't want to go but since my new teacher pal begged me asked me....
do you like my hair!?!  I call it my  "HOLY COW!   HOW MUCH ARE WE GOING TO WALK" look

...combined with this guy begging me...

how could I say no???

Let me start by saying I was nervous.   I'm always nervous combining high school students with middle school students (mature gap), but thank Jesus, He sent some of the most patient and kind teenagers for this trip.
 Teacher Brag Tag:
Truly the nicest group of boys.  
One boy in particular (I will call him 'D. the Teen') really took Connor under his wing.
Even though a very HYPER Connor gave him 101 NASCAR stats alllllllll the way to Charlotte, 'D. the Teen' just kept smiling and talking to him. 

Once we were there, we took in a few sights.  The younger boys were really disappointed we didn't see any famous drivers but they still had a good time. 


Mama Sechrist is proud of her kiddos (even when they try to spend all their money on Nascar gear wayyyy before dinner, I love them).

 In case you are wondering how I was doing, I brought my Kindle, so I was great!

The SURPRISE of the evening came right before the night race started.  
'D. the Teen' came up to Connor and said, 'do you want to meet your favorite driver!?!'

Connor:  'huh!?!  what!?!'

'D. the Teen' (to me):  'Can he come with me? I have one extra pass?'

Me (put Kindle down, clueless): 'ummm. sure.'

The next thing I know 'D. the Teen' lifted Connor up and off they went.  

Although there were not enough passes for all the boys, 'D. the Teen' knew how much Connor loved racing.  
He saw how much this would mean to him, and he picked him to meet some of his favorite race car drivers.

Jimmy Johnson

I'D. the Teen' a good kid or what!?!
(Don't worry friends, I already emailed his mama.  Yes I did.  I told her she was doing it right.  :)  )

Denny Hamlin (Connor's Fav)

You can imagine the joy this boy felt.  
It was worth all the personal foot pain (not to mention observation of hairy backs, the cut off shorts, and the Budweiser toasts) to watch Connor's  experience.  

 I don't know how this pic got on my phone but I think it's a God shoutout.  Connor and I said long prayer before we left.  He answered all of our prayers and more.

We had great weather, great memories, safe travels, and met a wonderful group of people.

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