Saturday, June 29, 2019

Travels To Athens: VBS 2019

We just finished our visit to Athens, Greece with Paul the Missionary.
It was a far journey but worthwhile.

Meeting with the natives to spread the gift of God was a blessing.
Each tribe was named after one of the churches that Paul visited.  

During this VBS, children participated in arena games, class sessions, time with Paul, and visits to the Athens Marketplace.

This was all led by our fearless leader who worked tirelessly to execute our Athens experience.

In Paul's tent, he shared the truth about God's word through a very dangerous journey.  Paul's commitment stayed strong through much and we can all learn from him today.

Oikos Time:  leaders used object lessons to demonstrate the bible verse and teach spiritual lessons each night. 

I stayed mainly in the marketplace where the hustle and bustle of Greek life happened.

Children were given 3 drachmas to spend each day on their market of choice. 

Locals had a choice of visiting ways that Ancient Greece used animal skins and hides. 

We had a former park ranger "expert" share all of her knowledge! 

Locals could also choose woodworking each night led by our "expert" carpenter.  
The fellows who did this market, including Darren, had to work outside in the hot sun with tools and kids.  I had much respect for this market!   
The locals had BIG fun. 

In this market, our Greek "expert" lead the locals in homemade creations! 

We even had a plant "expert" with information in how the Greeks make their own food/ grains/ medicines.

I ran a different market each night.  
I think I got into the spirit of things a bit too much because everyone who led a market was "an expert" in that field meanwhile I just picked random things that I thought sounded cool.  
For example, my first night I would lead the locals in bread making (doesn't that sound wonderful)?

Never mind this required me to make 10 loafs of practice and spend a considerable amount of time doing research to figure out the formula to Greek bread and it's history. 

Just when I thought I got it right with a perfect loaf of bread, 
I began to wash out the bread pan and I noticed a plastic part missing.  
I looked all around until I realized.... 

oh. no.  
I checked the bottom of the bread.


Needless to say, I went back to the drawing board. 
No locals were harmed in the making of my bread. 

I added other breads/foods such as pita and sourdough, feta cheese, olives, raisons, and honey/ olive oil for dipping.

I was really surprised that most children tried these Athen snacks and enjoyed them.

The locals loved kneading the dough!   They said it was like slime.
I guess kids don't work with dough much these days.

I even hid a bread-maker in the corner and baked a fresh loaf while the customers entered my market.  The whole church was filled with the delicious smells of home baked bread (Thank GOD) and not smoke! 

***The second night, I decided to teach the children their Greek letters and spelling.
(You know since I know so much about foreign language.  I only needed two tutors for college level one Spanish.)   
After a bit more research, I broke down and pulled out the computer to read all Greek translations to make the whole thing a lot easier.

I think the kids really απολαμβάνουν το!
(enjoyed it!)

I found these cute little ancient envelopes and was able to place the upper and lowercase alphabet in them for learning at home (even for the girls which went against ancient Greek tradition).  

The last night I just kept with the whole overachieving dream and decided to teach the locals a Greek Dance!  
Can I take a moment to thank Youtube (and the rewind. pause. rewind. pause. rewind. pause. options) that taught me this new dance the day before I was to teach it. 
Oh my gosh!
I didn't know what in the heck I was doing.

I did some MO' research: 
Folk dancing has been a mainstay tradition in Greece since the ancient times.  Folk dancing is as popular today as it was at its inception. 

I decided to go with a fairly easy group dance called the Zorba! 
Zorba’s dance became very popular in 1964 with a movie called Zorba the Greek with Anthony Quinn (I've never watched it) but its' origins are in ancient Greece called the Butcher’s Dance.  

I cut sashes for the locals to wear during this traditionally festive dance.  I probably looked like Napoleon Dynamite the whole time but I do believe dancing is in my blood! 

I love this picture.
Carlee was the only girl in her group the first night, and she was terribly distressed about it.  We brainstormed a friend who might really enjoy coming along.  Luckily her friend O. did join.  She was such a joy and had so much fun.  Her enthusiasm was contagious for everyone.
You can see it in this picture.  

By the end of the night, my legs, back, neck, and calves hurt but I had a great time. I definitely know more about Greece history than I ever knew before this VBS.

Connor also had the best time with the youth.   He could not wait to get in the car each night to go to church.
Thank you Jesus for any 13 year old that wants to go to church (especially mine).  

Ending the week with fun, games, and ice cream was literally the cherry on top! 

God is Good People!  Just ask Paul all about it. 

Monday, June 24, 2019

School Year End to Summer Begin

Catching Up on a Few Moments.
If this school year had a book title it would be called:  The Never Ending Story.
It did finally end and with many blessings but I'm so very tired.
17 years complete✅  (more on my year later)
First grade complete 
Seventh grade complete 
No more homework, no more books, no more teacher's dirty looks.

First Grade
First grade started like I pretty much expected- in tears (for both of us).  My smart daughter was well aware she was behind in some areas (oh the pressure).  First grade is The Reading Grade.  Lucky, Connor has taught me the ways of children that learn in a different manner.  This time I didn't scream at my child (sorry Connor), I didn't hit the panic button, or schedule multiple meetings while the teacher looked at me a bit afraid.  I did work with her team to create an action plan that I was satisfied with and proved to be really effective.  
Carlee continues to grow in confidence, and she shows the world a bit more of her personality each day.  She laughed at me when I told her I always wanted to be the 'shy/ quiet' type as a child because I was always loud and in trouble.  She says 'why? being shy is NOT fun mom'.  💗 (I really wouldn't know).
I am proud of you Carlee.

Seventh Grade
I'm glad seventh is over.  The hormones, the cliques, the awkwardness, the curriculum......  
forget Connor, how did I survive it?  Even as I write this I think 'wow, you made it alive twice, once for yourself and once for your son'. 

Connor had a lot of achievements this year.   I have watched that boy sit through six years of awards programs with very few recognitions.  This year he finally got one that he worked his butt off for but he didn't seem that excited.  

Funny enough he sat out this hand-written note by his beloved math teacher.   As Connor grows, I notice he is all about authenticity and he knows what matters.  I also observe that he can see through true character of others immediately.  In many ways this surpasses my thinking and I am very proud of him.

Image result for Teachers Apple

Goody Bag Idea
The only thing that kept this year from being a year from hades was the amazing teachers, my administrators, and my colleagues that God chose to lead, guide, and direct.  While there are times I do question decisions made in public school, God was so faithful in giving my children the best.

I couldn't do a ton for the team (I mean I am a teacher after all) but I did get these little makeup bags with silk lining off of Amazon, then I filled them with little goodies.  I'm not sure they were a hit but for me the purpose was to offer - Thank You Desperately Dearly! 

body cream, mongo lip gloss, gum, bath bomb, travel conditioner, peppermint patties, face loofah

These bombs had little flowers/ blossoms inside for the bath.  They smelled really good.

Baby (Not Mine)
 At the end of year picnic I finally got to hold the new baby born by my colleague Mrs. S.   She is a tiny dolly with the hugest smile.  I could just eat her up.

Prior to her baby shower this year, I had Mrs. S's students decorate a few onesies for baby C.   I scanned in the student art work on transfer paper and ironed them on.  They were so cute.


Connor decorated this one.  We added a football rattle to it.
(He thought Baby Birds sounded more girlish over Baby Bears).  

Carlee decorated this one for Halloween.  
We had Baby's First Halloween picture added to the top.
I love her Little Frankenstein 


The student who designed the onesie with the cross and scripture was created by a student with a behavior plan for negative and impulsive behaviors. I was so touched, I know his heart is a good one.  
The unicorn was my favorite decorated with fabric markers.  We added a little baby unicorn hairband to tie the theme together. 

Designed by Two Girls-
I found this little infant skirt to go with it.
Tu Tu Cute! 


The Sechrist Clan got all spiffed up for a lovely EOY wedding (well we tried).  

Thank goodness we didn't capture the scene in the room prior to this picture:
Connor busted a glass bottle of cologne.
No one could breathe.
Carlee crying over her hair (see below).
Connor nearly crying because I am screaming at him for not packing anything of importance after I asked him 4 TIMES- DID YOU PACK EVERYTHING!!!!
Darren going between our room and his mom's room while everyone has a meltdown.

Thankfully everyone made it.
Here my children are looking innocent and lovely in this photo with cousins.  

Carlee and I wore curlers in our hair for 6 hours from morning until arrival at our hotel.  Carlee has hair as straight as a stick that can't be curled with heat, so we decided to try with sponge curlers.


I let them take a quick dip in the pool before the wedding and 'someone' got their hair SOAKED.

Sorry gal, straight hair for you but of course still pretty as a picture.

The bride was beautiful.

 Although it was hot, it was a beautiful day for a wedding celebration.
Note to self- don't wear mascara on a hot day ever.

Everyone had a good time. 

Cousin O's Graduation -

Well Mr. O has not only graduated high school but he graduated #1 in his class.  We are very, very proud of all of Mr. O's accomplishments. 
I loved his graduation party.   It contained a small group of friends and family with cool games and activities.  It was so much fun for everyone. 

water ballooning dad

Carlee executing her revenge on Connor

The Freaky Frog was a HOOT

Connor having a blast!

End of Year Celebration at Gigi's House-
Once I packed up my classroom we were on our way to see my sister, mom, and niece.  The end of the year was a bit stressful due to health concerns with MeMe, so it was really good for everyone to have a little silly fun.  (Meme is doing well also.)


Chucky Cheese (and slot machines)

The Aquatic Center

Secret Life of Pets II with reclining seats and popcorn.  
We all enjoyed the movie, it was too funny.  Who doesn't love those reclining seats?

So ,

That's a Wrap Folks:  Now for some R&R! Stay tuned for our summer fun.