Sunday, June 16, 2019

Tumble Star

Do you see this little tot?
She is growing, growing, growing.

This year she finished both first grade and her very first Tumbling performance (on stage).  There were challenges associated but both taught her to be her own person in many ways.

Back Stage:
I loved all the little dancers getting reading for their times.
Silk, Ribbons, and Sashays are all up my alley! 💗

pretty ballerinas 
GiGi helping out with hair
When we first merged into the world of dance, we immediately opted out of dance shoes and performance fees.
I knew that my introverted daughter would never go for performing in front of potential hundreds on stage. I had doubts about her even taking the class seriously. 
The thought of her accidentally messing up, falling, dissolving into tears, and running away in the middle of a number convinced me there was no way we should go there yet.  

photo courtesy of Joan 

It isn't that I don't have faith in my kids, it's just that I live with them every single day.  
I know things.  I have witnessed things people
I am a realist.

Within a month of the performance, the studio owner convinced me that not only should Carlee do the performance but that she really seemed to be thriving in her tumbling class.  
She had no doubts about it.  
I took Carlee to the side, looked her straight in the eye, and explained "if you agree to this, $125 says there is NO backing out" .  She gave a slight nod up and down with no words (leaving me with less confidence than I started).    
The dance instructor took her measurements and we were on our way. 

photo courtesy of Joan 

The day OF the performance left me with extreme anxiety.  This was all new to us- costume, hair, times, placement.   I nearly forgot the Bones for her hair and sent the whole thing into an epic meltdown.  (I didn't even mention I forgot the tights.  Thankfully she didn't notice.)  
I can't really blame my daughter for hyper-focusing on certain things, well...
I think you get the idea about me from this blog.

Due to family emergency, Darren was unable to attend.  I begged on all the women I could call on to join me.  My mom, sister, step-mom, and the male member Connor (who was as nervous as me).  They all had to drive pretty far but I needed the moral support.

Finally, I had to do what is so hard to do.  
I dressed Carlee and left her back stage all alone.  I couldn't exactly go on stage with her (but probably would have if possible).  
She had to do it on her own. 

photo courtesy of Joan   & my favorite 

I went back to my seat and it was time for Carlee's number- 'The Witch Doctor'.  I noticed that the curtains stayed closed a long time. ( Oh no, did Carlee have a meltdown?  Is she refusing? Did she freeze?  If she doesn't go, the whole number will be off! Should I get up?  Is she wondering about me?)

photo courtesy Joan

Then the curtains pulled back and the number began....

photo courtesy of Joan 

 I guess even the most introverted performer can come alive under the stage lights.
She was wonderful and didn't miss a beat!
I was so proud of her and I literally cried like a baby (like a baby).

Her whole team did a great job.
Way to go ladies!! 
I really liked this studio.  I thought the costumes were age appropriate, the numbers were kid friendly, and everyone had fun.

Who knows what next year will bring but we definitely have the dance bug! 
Just take my money now.

Here are a few highlights from the year.

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