Sunday, June 9, 2019

Sechrist Family Olympics

Due to the rainy weekend, our pool plans were canceled.  We were totally bummed but then Connor decided to create the first annual- 
Sechrist Olympics 
(inspired by his favorite episode of The Office).

I personally was much more interested in napping but Connor's organization and enthusiasm of the event propelled me to participate.  
Even Darren (not pictured due to a lack of upper body clothing) got in on the action.

Our first event was created by Carlee.
1.  The Nail Polish Game:  Close your eyes, pick a color out of the box, and guess the color.  The person who guesses the first 7 colors win.
winner- Amanda

I won the first event (actually the only event).  

2.  MUM Ball:  toss the ball back and forth and the first to drop is out.  
winner- Carlee

3. HORSE (with a ball and trashcan): The idea of the game involves matching baskets. The player who makes shots that the opponent does not duplicate, wins the game.   winner- Connor

4.  Black Jack/21:  First Player to win 4 consecutive games in a row wins.  
winner- Darren

5.  Shootout:  Whoever shoots the ball in the trashcan from the farthest distance WINS.
winner- Connor

6.  Drawing Game:  Set the timer for five minutes and the best picture wins.  winner- Carlee

Carlee (2 in 5 min):  pizza and bunny
Connor:  a shoe with scriptures to sway the Christian vote

Me- The Watermelon
Darren (who cheated by using google drawing tutorial then naming himself the winner before judgement)

I relied on Mrs. E. to help.  

She was zero help to my cause.  🤣

 The Winners
4th:  Amanda (Darren was point keeper and I know he cheated)
3rd:   Darren
2nd:  Carlee
1st:  Connor
(both winner & excellent organizer of the games)

He even designed the Winning Shirt and Belt
(obviously having zero faith in an adult winning). 

2nd place winner:  All the Watermelon!

What a hoot!
Can't wait for next year's- 
Sechrist Family Olympics

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