Friday, July 12, 2019

Vlog of Declutter/ Hygge

Project Small Space:  
It is done.  
Picture of The Joy of Less
I have finally finished decluttering and cleaning my house. 
We are talking about going through each crook, cranny, closet, and room!!!
It was way more of a job than I originally expected.   
This is one of many projects that I plan to implement this year for my own well-being.  Of course about two weeks in I was tired of my "project" but then Connor left for camp and for some reason I had this terrible nervous energy.  
When I have nervous energy- I eat.  I shop. I clean.  
I tried my best to stay focused on cleaning but my Amazon bill was a lot higher this month and I may have taken part in more than one ice cream trip.    
It the words of Johnny Cash  "Close the door on the past…Don’t let it have any of your energy, or any of your time, or any of your space.”  Just switch out "past" with "crap" and there you have a solid philosophy.

Often times letting go of all the superficial "stuff" allows you to connect spiritually and emotionally.  Even though I believe in the connection with one's physical space to one's mental space I do not follow Kondo.  Marie Kondo is wayyy too patient and sweet.  

Image result for marie kondo

She organizes based on categories and rolls remaining clothing ever so carefully.  This seems the opposite of my system where I throw everything in the middle of the room like a hurricane then go through it like the Tasmanian Devil.  All items had to fall into these categories-
1.  I use it (keep).
2.  I love it/ means a lot to me and have space for it (keep)
3.  this is trash/ recycled
4.  this can be sold  (we earned about 55.00)
5.  this can be donated
6.  this goes back to my classroom at school
7.  this goes in the kids' keepsake box because they would like it one day (special book, outfit, etc. that they have outgrown).

Yes, it all took FOREVA! 
It took me 5 weeks and approximately 30 bags/ boxes but...
it is done.

We still have many home improvement projects to begin and finish (paint, wallpaper, carpet, etc.) but for now everything is in order.  Isn't that the way it always is with a home?  
Also, there are still some things we could declutter.  For example,  Connor ended up with two television sets and does not want to give them up because they work with his very outdated game systems.  

He also loves the look of being a teenager with two televisions in his room (rest assured none are hooked up to cable or internet).  

Image result for book of hygge

Next- implement more Hygge (like more cowbell).  
I think when you have a family of four in a 'cozy' living unit you automatically Hygge and implement 'togetherness' whether you want to or not.  I took a few more pages from the Danish and added fuzzy carpets, oversized comforters, wooden signs, photos, art, and candles.  It makes me want to curl up with a good book during a summer storm just thinking about it.
I invite anyone to Hygge with me today.

While this vlog is a little on the long side, (I have no idea how people make youtube videos all the time), it covers all that I did and can encourage you to take a walk on the decluttering side!
You might have to watch it in segments.
(Before/ After(s) at 15:26)

Comfy Order:

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