Friday, September 27, 2019

How to do Spirit Week

I notice educators don't get into Spirit Week at 6-12 level in the same way they do at K-5 level.   
I say no matter what age- have fun with it! I will certainly be hosting Spirit Week in the nursing home one day.
With a few accessories, you too can be a Spirit Week dresser.🤣

Career Day
I went as a retired teacher.  
I put on my bathing suit cover, bright capri pants, flip flops, sun hat, glitter sunglasses, and sunny bag.
I don't think a soul got it.  They all thought this was my normal attire(?) 

Jersey/ Team Day
...and the only day Connor would 'dress up' with me.  
He is such a spoil sport.
Also-  Go Panthers! 

Country Western Day
I ordered this fake flannel shirt from Walmart (love the Terra and Sky collection, yes I do) because I could NOT do real flannel (no I could not).  It does NOT feel like Fall in the deep south here (nope, not at all).  
Don't forget- Carlee's sparkle, cow-girl hat. 

Decades Day
A couple of Hippies on Grade 6.
Beads, a peace sign, headband, funky designs, and round/ cool shades will create a total HIPPIE vibe.

Spirit Day
Just wear your school color with colored hair, tattoos, and hats for great School Spirit!!
I wish I could share more pictures from students this week but I think this is the only one that moms would be ok with me sharing on a personal blog (plus they are all so dang cute, I had to share it).  We laughed trying to take a good pictures with all of us.  
It was almost impossible but...
We got spirit yes we do!  We got spirit, how 'bout you!?!

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Last of Summer & Busy Weekends

School is in Session!

my new teal lights, 'adorbs' as they say in middle school
Anyone totally overwhelmed!?!
I hear you, I feel you, I get you.

It looks like this year my precious Mrs. E. is retiring.
This is the first room we taught in together and the room she has come full circle back to this year.  
What a bunch of memories we have together.  
I wouldn't trade it for a thing (even the 50 pounds I need to lose in this picture).
Wow- we look rough here.   haaaaa
To our credit, it was the end of a long day and I was here to meet Carlee's teacher.
Darren snapped a shot of us without much time to prepare.

I have a great group of kids this year and great co-workers.  What I don't have is time. 
Zero time to do what I know I need to do for these kids.
It is beyond frustrating.
As for me, I am having a terrible time choosing between time with my family and taking the time I need to complete paperwork and planning for my students.  While the answer should be obvious, when dealing with students who deserve the best you can offer while also observing that other teachers are sacrificing for my own children, the answer is not obvious.   I'm working my hardest at walking the tightrope of setting boundaries with ADULTS and doing what is best for students.

Today I ran across Pocketful of Primary for good tips....
This is one dedicated teacher and I enjoy her vlogs.

Honestly, I am fitting all this into one blog because I haven't even had a chance to get my thoughts down or photos organized (this takes more time than you would think).  

Extra Curricular and School 
I'm not just trying to work over here.  I'm also trying to be the Tom Brady of this family.  There is more to manage at home than ever and I am NOT a spring chicken anymore.  #40CLUB
the kids are loving their activities.  They inspire me to become more physical like when I was young (and I'm going to do it... one day).
I also try to always use times of stress as times to think of blessings. I am very blessed to have kids who are healthy and have at least one creative outlet they enjoy.  

(I think it's ballet with one t but some dictionaries list it with two 't's?)

Christian Flag Football

 8th Grade-  I thought it would be easier than 7th but we don't find that to be the case.  Still, anything worth doing is going to take effort forever.  I always teach my kids when given the opportunity don't give 100%, give 110%!  

They really hate me for that philosophy BTW.

Weekend Project

Speaking of School Work
These are notes posted by Connor's teacher.  
Is there a contest for best handwriting in America?  This teacher gets the award.  I mean WOW.
The downside, we tried to fit in about 10 pages of these beautifully written notes in C's head just now and I was like....
Image result for forget it gif

2nd Grade:  Carlee is working hard and loving her teachers.
She has a few things I am very worried about, so please be in prayer for her and our decisions for her.   I live in fear I am going to do something really stupid to mess up my kids.  
I mean more stupid than normal. 

I love this recent assignment by Carlee.  
She had to choose between fun activities- a play date, trampoline, dogs, snow day, etc. and she chose to write about the time she- 'Planted Flowers with her Dad'! 
#sweet  #daddysGal

Friends, Friends, and More Friends

There are always kids around during this stage of my life. 
Although time consuming, it makes me happy to see children have fun/ play together.
I think because I am a teacher and I see the lack of socialization today.  I support my kids spending time with other friends.  When I was in school social time was as big as academic time (or maybe just for me because I never shut up).  Now kids don't have the time or the prior knowledge to interact with others in a non-tech and healthy way. 

Birthday Continues 

This weekend we traveled to Mama's house to celebrate the September Birthdays and for some pizza with bowling!  

spoiler alert (a gaming chair) 😼  very exciting

Me Familia
my cousin, my sissy, my son, my daughter, my niece  
We all had a fun time.

The Bowling Alley was such a Hoot! 
Every time we would roll, it would play a hilarious cartoon with our pictures.

Friendly Get Togethers 

 That same night we had a cookout with the deacons and families. It was such a nice thing to host as the church year starts.
I feared I would be too tired to enjoy but it was a really neat spot.
Again, there were so many great photo ops.

Definitely my daughter with a SMORE.  lol.

Last night, my friend H, gave me this book for the kids.  
It is such a great book.  I highly recommend for anyone who has lost a family pet.  It is so sweet.

This is a woman after my heart 
1. a mother of 4 
2. the 4 are all boys  
3. great sense of humor.
4. admits to not having it all together
5.  loving soul

This morning we had a really great service on the mountain.
I'm not an outdoorsy girl, but I always enjoy this service.

We've had to miss the last few because I (or someone) was sick.  So far, my allergies are at bay but I'm working hard at combating them.

Coach Darren

Football, football, football
This is all my family studies during the Fall (sigh, good bye Lifetime for Women).

During our meal, I got one of these delicious United States Cookies.  I thought Florida was looking a little post hurricane-ish or perhaps I've read too much about the Super Continent from Connor's notes. 
? hmmmm

Luckily I have supportive church friends who turned my cookie up to show that it is actually the mountain that we were currently on.
Makes Total Sense 🤣  It's all about perspective.  

I'm just a woman out here trying to turn peoples' cookie up y'all. 

 I seriously need to be sleeping instead of writing this blog,

but I think it was a perfect weekend to capture the beauty and love in our space.  💗

Saturday, September 7, 2019

#14 on the Field

14 years ago I was nearly four weeks overdue.  Being 'The Sechrist' kind of kids that we were, Darren and I went for a regular check up in Winston Salem with no phones, no overnight bag, no lunch, no preparation when the nurse said- 
"We need to get this baby out of you".  
We were both like 'ummm, but we are not prepared".  
Darren had to use a landline to call someone to get our stuff.  
I guess nearly 39 weeks wasn't enough time for us to face this little fellow:

And now he turns 14.

Check out his football number this year!

Today was a great day.
We have had so many precious family and friends wish this one a Happy Birthday.   
He is loved by so many.  My heart is full because of that fact.



I designed Connor's cake special (because I waited too long to order it).  While I had the cake iced in black, I placed the Monster Drink and emblem on the cake.

How do you like my "floating" can?

Just call me The Cake Boss!  Better yet, just call me The Boss.  
I love it.  Bruce Springsteen said I could have it.

While I don't endorse Monster Energy Drinks for kids, adults, or teenagers, they are the sponsor for NASCAR, motocross, etc.  You know all that stuff teens are into these days.
Of course, Connor wanted Monster Energy Girls to show today with the cake but he got Monster Energy Mom instead.
That's close enough, right?

Image result for monster energy events

For Connor's friends, I found these great water bottles on Amazon.  They are so durable.  I had the stickers made.  I thought they turned out great (best of all you can replace water for Monster Energy).

I've heard my whole life that raising a teenager is harder than anything. I use to roll my eyes and think "you haven't had my kid at 2".  The truth is having a teenager does present many challenges that are different from the toddler years.   I'm not sure if the teenage years are hard because our kids suddenly began to draw away and act like we have zero sense...
or if we as parents struggle most with the "babies" suddenly becoming their own people without warning.  It's like 'excuse me, you just can't pick and choose my services, I am mom at all times'.   

The cards don't have wrestlers on the front anymore?  What's up with that? 🙄

Being a teenager today is NOT easy.  It is not easy.  
While I will be the first to tell you that I am as hard as heck on this kid.  I also believed in his gifts from that first day he refused to show up on time 14 years ago. 
I won't stop pushing him to be his best self.  
When others count him out.  I count him in.
Sometimes that results in fights.  
Sometimes it results in him telling me to trust more.
Sometimes it results in him surpassing even his own expectations.

God placed me at the middle school with Connor at the exact time for so many brilliant reasons. God opened my eyes to many issues and situations.  One thing I can tell you is - 
Our son is a good boy.
This isn't for a blog.
This isn't written to sound good.
Connor is a just a good boy.
We are blessed.

Happy Birthday Connor
Monster Energy Mom