Saturday, September 7, 2019

#14 on the Field

14 years ago I was nearly four weeks overdue.  Being 'The Sechrist' kind of kids that we were, Darren and I went for a regular check up in Winston Salem with no phones, no overnight bag, no lunch, no preparation when the nurse said- 
"We need to get this baby out of you".  
We were both like 'ummm, but we are not prepared".  
Darren had to use a landline to call someone to get our stuff.  
I guess nearly 39 weeks wasn't enough time for us to face this little fellow:

And now he turns 14.

Check out his football number this year!

Today was a great day.
We have had so many precious family and friends wish this one a Happy Birthday.   
He is loved by so many.  My heart is full because of that fact.



I designed Connor's cake special (because I waited too long to order it).  While I had the cake iced in black, I placed the Monster Drink and emblem on the cake.

How do you like my "floating" can?

Just call me The Cake Boss!  Better yet, just call me The Boss.  
I love it.  Bruce Springsteen said I could have it.

While I don't endorse Monster Energy Drinks for kids, adults, or teenagers, they are the sponsor for NASCAR, motocross, etc.  You know all that stuff teens are into these days.
Of course, Connor wanted Monster Energy Girls to show today with the cake but he got Monster Energy Mom instead.
That's close enough, right?

Image result for monster energy events

For Connor's friends, I found these great water bottles on Amazon.  They are so durable.  I had the stickers made.  I thought they turned out great (best of all you can replace water for Monster Energy).

I've heard my whole life that raising a teenager is harder than anything. I use to roll my eyes and think "you haven't had my kid at 2".  The truth is having a teenager does present many challenges that are different from the toddler years.   I'm not sure if the teenage years are hard because our kids suddenly began to draw away and act like we have zero sense...
or if we as parents struggle most with the "babies" suddenly becoming their own people without warning.  It's like 'excuse me, you just can't pick and choose my services, I am mom at all times'.   

The cards don't have wrestlers on the front anymore?  What's up with that? 🙄

Being a teenager today is NOT easy.  It is not easy.  
While I will be the first to tell you that I am as hard as heck on this kid.  I also believed in his gifts from that first day he refused to show up on time 14 years ago. 
I won't stop pushing him to be his best self.  
When others count him out.  I count him in.
Sometimes that results in fights.  
Sometimes it results in him telling me to trust more.
Sometimes it results in him surpassing even his own expectations.

God placed me at the middle school with Connor at the exact time for so many brilliant reasons. God opened my eyes to many issues and situations.  One thing I can tell you is - 
Our son is a good boy.
This isn't for a blog.
This isn't written to sound good.
Connor is a just a good boy.
We are blessed.

Happy Birthday Connor
Monster Energy Mom

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