Monday, December 23, 2019

12 Days of Hectic

Is anyone else NOT feeling the true meaning of Christmas?
I was very mentally unprepared for last week.
If I owned an Elf on a Shelf he would have been in a coma for a week.
I didn’t get as many pictures as I wanted to take, but  
I was in survival mode.  Two days ago I could not imagine having the energy to write a blog post.
Luckily I'm starting to feel a bit better.
I need to reset my mind and heart before Christmas Eve.
This has been my week- 12 days of Christmas in 7 days.

For the 12 days of Christmas my Deadlines Gave to Meeeee...

12  Paperwork Pages
Meeting, meeting, paperwork, meeting....
I was hit over the head with it this week.  I even have an email that I will be making up a meeting after break.  Something to look forward to in the New Year.  
Thank Goodness,
God gave me the sweetest students and parents.  I was given the most kind and thoughtful notes this holiday season confirming that everything will be ok.

11  Building Hours
Connor got the coolest gift from GiGi- a Friends LEGO set.  Connor has never gotten into Legos much. However, he is a FRIENDS Fanatic.  He loves the whole show and was excited to put this one together over the weekend.  It turned out so cool.  

10  State Testers 
Last week we had a state exam (as if this week wasn't packed enough).  I kept ten testers for three hours who really worked hard.  This group has come so far but testing is a true energy ZONKER anyway.

9  Billion Calories
It seemed on every corner of every room there were cookies, doughnuts, candies, catered meals, more food, gifts of homemade bread, etc. etc.
This combined with one stressed out human who uses food for emotional comfort- bad combo.
Image result for christmas candy feast

8  Loads of Laundry
Between sports practice, Christmas programs, and school, I think everyone was having a five costume night!  Santa bring me the gift of free laundry service and gift wrapping.

7  Family Members
We had our first family Christmas gathering at my house.  Mom brought lunch and we had fun exchanging gifts.  I was sad to see them go.  Why does it seem the prep work is ten times longer than the fun moments?

love my new Book Shop

6  PM Program
Second Grade Christmas Program.  
I love to hear children sing Christmas music.
Carlee was precious in her dress.

we put little Christmas bells in her hair

5  Sunday Sweetiessssssss 
This month I had Sunday School planning.
Five sweet children who love the Lord with all their heart, all their soul, and all their mind.  They always give me a reminder of what my focus should be on.

4  Christmas Parties  
-Hosting lunch for eighth grade team 
-Carlee's Dance Studio
-Second Grade PJs Party


-I snuck in a little middle school party too (they are certainly not too old).
I made my students little water mugs with hot chocolate, candy, and marshmallows.

3  Sleepless Nights
I can't sleep during times of long checklists/ worry.

Weird things I have discovered due to insomnia:
-I actually watched the most recent three part documentary on Netflix.  I can't even write it out. I can't even show you. I just had to find out if this evil man was going to get what he deserves.  
All I can say is "wowza".  
After I watched it, I really couldn't sleep

-I also spent a grand 6.00 to buy a Graphic Novel about a lost love.  The most hilarious and worst purchase ever.   I WAY overpaid but was fascinated with this concept (at 3am). 
Summary:  A "couple with a past" reunite on a news story and catch a potential killer on the loose.  
This is how it ended (it is read from left to right).  

Seriously, this was the last page.  The culprit was never found but the heroine gave up her career for her boyfriend.  the. end. 
Lack of sleep will literally make you insane. 🤣

I know, I really need to get the scriptures out.

Cool things I have discovered due to insomnia:
Did you know the magazine Allure has a youtube channel that showcases the day in the life of women in interesting careers.  I love it!

This book. 
Image result for normal suck by Jonathan mooney

2  Wrestling Matches
Connor's had two matches this week.  I am so proud of his progress but two matches and three two hour practices this week was exhausting (add in make up assignments and a school project, bah humbug).  

...and a doggie who always has to PEE! 
Maggie is doing great but this girl wants to be walked A LOT.  Most of our time was running home, walk, go back out, home, walk, bed.  It is a team effort (she loves me best).  

Dear Santa, 
I need a nap an uninterrupted nap.
With Love, 
A Good Somewhat Good 

Merry Christmas to All

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