Saturday, December 7, 2019

Meet the New Family Member

Yesterday Darren sent me a text.
Got a dog.
No picture. No story. No warning.
This could not be a crazier time to have a new dog.
I was thinking after wrestling, Christmas, school madness, busy season.......
but sometimes life or your husband has different plans.
Due to no planning, both kids were NOT home on Friday night, so I was the second to meet our new girl dog!

Darren and I made a trip to Pet Smart/ Big Lots before we picked up child #2- Carlee.
She was in for a SURPRISE!
Connor was suppose to spend the night with a friend but due to an unexpected power outage at their house, he arrived at about 10pm last night with new friend in tow  (with a house in disarray and a new dog not house trained)!  
I was super stressed about it but luckily his friend was one of the most humble and well mannered kids I've met.  He wasn't freaked out by our chaos and the "surprise" we gave Connor.  
Here is a video. 
side note:  To protect Carlee's privacy I edited quite a bit, but let's just say she is exactly like her mother.  On a scale of 1-10, when our emotions drop above or below a five we do a LOT of crying.  I've been made to feel bad about that my whole life (labels such as 'dramatic', 'too sensitive', 'emotional') and I don't want to make her feel bad.  To release tears of joy or sadness is a good thing and it shows she is a very loving young lady.  💗

This is how we roll- one crazy day at a time.

Meet Maggie (named by Darren)
Here is what we know-
-Maggie is a rescue dog.
-She was only at the animal shelter for about 2-3 weeks.
-Maggie comes from the eastern part of the state.
-Maggie's previous owner was in an abusive relationship and was unable to care for the dog.  
-We suspect it was a sudden change for Maggie.
-Maggie does not seem to have been abused herself but obviously had a close attachment to her previous female owner (based on her response to me).  
-Maggie seems a bit sad right now.

-Changes are hard.
-I wonder if I have some type of likeness to her owner.  
She keeps searching me and waiting for me to respond like her previous owner.  
-Maggie already lays very close to me.
-She licks me a LOT. 
(This is all odd because you all know animals and I normally don't bond right away.)

-Maggie is a very loving and affectionate dog.  
-We think she is between one to two years old.
-Maggie LOVES to ride.
The second we walk Maggie, she tries to get in the back of the van. 
-Maggie LOVES table food.   
-Darren is getting very mad that we keep giving Maggie table food.
-Maggie and the children are taking to each other.
-Maggie does not bark (only once at our male neighbor).
-Maggie whines (and it is pitiful).

-Maggie is not house trained which is another oddity because it is obvious she was a house dog.
Any tips would be great on this issue.
-Maggie is helping me exercise! This is something I never do but need in my life.
-Maggie has not slept much since being here.
-I haven't slept either.
-Prayers for our New Maggie.