Sunday, December 29, 2019

Matthew 19:14

I believe that when people feel a spiritual disconnect, God is there with help.  For different people this takes the form of different things.  
This month, I was signed up to teach Carlee’s Sunday School class.  At first I thought, why am I doing one more thing during the busiest month of the year!?!?  But Carlee asked me and she rarely asks anything of me within church. 

Surprisingly, this is the only time I never felt like it was ‘one more thing to do’ this month. I felt good after walking out of the little room to the left each Sunday morning.  I encourage everyone (as a resolution) to sign up for ministry that includes children at least once this year.

Why? Top 5

Children are honest
Why are you reading that first? Did you write down the agenda?  Do you think this craft has anything to do with Jesus? Your outfit doesn’t match.  

Being honest with positive motivation equals being authentic to me.  I have no interest in people telling me how much they love something if they don’t (and I can always tell you big fakers).  
Jesus called us to be tactful yes, kind yes, but he also called us to be honest.


making dough holiday cookies

hanging ornaments

Children are curious.
Did King Herod actually die or was he killed?  what about the other baby boys did they die of plague or massacre?  Could Mary and Joseph not plan ahead or ask the angels for a warm place? Was Jesus really born in December?  Could the Wise Men not have made the journey easier (being wise and all)? Who were the neighbors? How did the animals get feed in winter? Did it tell if the shepherds were super scared? Do you think Jesus ever got in trouble for talking too much as a boy in the temple?

Yes, the questions almost overpowered me but they were listening, they were curious, they were thinking on God’s word.  
Teach one lesson to adults (insert crickets).  
In the rare moments I realize I’m actually an adult, I get too afraid to ask questions for fear the teacher will think I wasn’t listening or I’m not spiritually smart enough.  
These children are living in a different world and they know more than ever.  They are not spiritual robots that just take your words and move on.  They are armed and ready for all you naysayers who think we have no place for Christ in this “modern” world (so watch out).


making santa hats for snack

Iron Chef:  dough cookie cutting 

'angel'ic snacks

Children will tell you when (they think) you are wrong.
I think it’s pronounced Ana not Anna.  That isn’t from the book of Luke.  Are you sure we don’t need to google that?

Do you think an adult would dare correct you during a lesson? I also dare you to reach a level of spiritual maturity without some correction or at the very least double checking.

edible tree

veggie tails anyone?

sound the bugles a baby is born

Children think “outside of the box”.
Let’s build a tent. Let’s play a game. Let’s go outside.  Let’s sing this random song of worship!  Let’s do something totally different than you planned.  BTW- Can I recite this scripture in the middle of your story?

One thing that KILLS me is the stifling unwritten rules of certain organizations.  Sometimes we miss the forest for the trees of regulations.  A child appeals to my creative heart and knows that there are many ways to worship.
The Savior is not just in the three piece suit, four rows from the back, with the King James Bible.  
God is also the sun, the snow, the giggles, the snack, the story, the tears, the song…..

I really wasn't sure how I was going to explain this one to his mom.

mini manger set

decorate the tree

igloo reading center

play based Christmas home of worship

Children understand differences.
What’s that- you want to stand up and recite a line from your favorite comic!  And you would like to talk to me about how much you love school! and you want to talk to me about how much you hate school but love making things at home! and you under the table are so painfully shy I can’t get you to talk at all! 

These children are a smorgasbord of personalities and differences and yet they get along and are not bothered by a difference of opinion.  There are just too many other important things to do in the room. They just coexist in the little room to the left without anything from me.  
It’s awesome.

snow prayers and play

mini bag designs

working together

Children will love.
I love you, Ms. Amanda.
I love when you teach us, Ms. Amanda.
(see honesty #1)

Today I am thankful for God’s children-  not to be mistaken for ‘good’ children or ‘perfect’ children.  I’m talking about God’s children, you know, all the real ones.  
If you are searching, you might be surprised to find that it isn’t the young children you are teaching but rather the young children who are showing you the way. 

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