Monday, April 13, 2020

Scenes from the Quarantine

We are officially moving into week 5 (not counting Spring Break) of social distancing.
So far we have stuck to our routine here:

But, because I have terrible allergies and because I get so exhausted from "online learning", I found myself just slinking to the couch or bed with LOTs of social media.  I was as tired as if I went to school.

That action was putting me on the computer from 6am until 4pm and then on again for mindless entertainment until 9 to 10pm between chores.

My anxiety levels were at an all time high.  I cried three times last week.  I know God laid it on my heart-  too much access to too much information. Today's events are stressful enough without reading the nonstop conspiracy theory thoughts, and trying to not react to people asking for prayers for only certain political leaders and bashing others. 
too. much.
I am so thankful God didn't call me to be a political leader right now.  Talk about hitting the FREAKOUT button.  Thinking of me making decisions like that would make the best SNL skits ever.

Time for a break but why is a social media break so hard?

I wrote out as many enjoyable homebound things that I could.... such as blogging! 

Spring Cleaning
We cleaned out our spring clothing (not enjoyable but so needed).  Am I the only one that feels that it is HOT already!?!  Which probably means a VERY HOT southern, summer.   I needed my capri pants out of storage ASAP.
Both of my kids have hit a growth spurt.  Not a good time for clothing shopping but who cares if they are wearing mini-short shorts right now.


We have so many house projects that are are so overwhelming.  Darren started on the kitchen.  It looks so good.  He is an excellent painter because he is so patient.  (I hate painting.)
We purchased the paint through a local shop even though it was more costly then Lowe's Hardware. We are trying to support our locals.  They ran our card over the phone and we got good quality paint curbside! 


Carlee thinks we should bake something every day!!  I've tried to curb her brownie making habit but sometimes we just have to have the brownie. 

My kids are spending as much time outdoors as humanly possible.
Connor has found a way to be outside the whole day because you can't keep that boy inside (even during torrential rains).

I wish I felt this good.

Mags Time.
The quarantine has not been good for me or Maggie's waistline but she is getting good food and good loving. 

Easter Surprises
This was by far the most low key Easter we have celebrated.  We had a few festivities to celebrate.  The cousins, party of two, had the best outdoor egg hunt.


They were very sweet and helped each other, offering the other eggs found.

We also met on top of the mountain for a little family surprise. For the most part we maintained our distance but did take a quick photo op.  Just getting out for fifteen minutes to see other humans we love was helpful.

The Easter Bunny left a few surprises but some little surprises were delayed.


Nothing to get stressed over (or to go out over) because we try to stay focused on the good news.
Thank you Jesus for going through it all for us who are so unworthy.

We didn't even dye eggs because I know a lot of stores are sold out.  It just seemed wasteful during this time.  Luckily, neither child mentioned it.  I'm not the best egg decorator anyway.  

Beauty Shop

I am feeling a Carlee/ Mom beauty shop video coming soon.  Playing hairdresser was fun since someone scored a real curling iron.  

Isn't it incredible how they get that selfie down pat at such a young age!?!

no filters! 

I also bought the world's hardest puzzle (10000000000 pieces of the same color).  I laid it on the table for everyone to work when they got bored but I'm pretty much the only taker on this one so far.

I think I have the border worked out but these tiny puzzle pieces fit no matter if they go there or not, so I am not sure.

In addition to daily scripture (video routine), I am trying to read more when possible.  I started with Jessica Simpson's new autobiography.  Really loved it at the start.  I've always been a fan and I can so relate to her 'blonde moments'.  Simpson got her start in the southern baptist church where her father was a youth pastor.  She definitely talks about how the industry pressured her to be thin and perfect.  She also writes how fame changed her family for the worst.  If you want do know about her former marriage to Nick Lachey, then you will get the FULL story here.  Am I the only one that wished they had stayed together forever?  You can get it on John Mayer too (I will never think of him the same way).
Jessica Simpson and hubby Eric Johnson wrangle their three little ...
her current fam! 
The ending fell flat for me.  There was a bit of cherry picking God's word in her story.  I would never judge another person's spiritual journey but I would have liked her to delve a bit deeper on her current spiritual journey with addiction and children.
I still love the girl!  If you are a fan- buy it!

If you like historical romance then Lisa Kleypas is your girl.  This is the story of sweet Cassandra who basically falls in love with a rich railway magnate (American of course).  Our hero is all facts and figures and not at all affectionate until (you guessed it) he falls in love with Cassandra.  Predictable but Fun! 

I am just starting this mystery by Jayne Ann Krentz.  I really like mystery but the last one I read by Karen Robards had a horrible, horrible, horrible scene that I can't unsee in my head.  I am hoping I can get the mystery without the graphic details in this one?

I'll keep you posted and don't forget to recommend some good reads for me.

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