Saturday, July 18, 2020


Did you know spending time outside reduces stress, feelings of anxiety, improves concentration, and even helps with self esteem?
Did you also know that spending time with family increases happiness, comfort, and belonging?

It's Science People!

This weekend we decided to participate in 'science' with a trip to GiGis! 
We traded in our Netflix for Nature.

These kids needed a reconnection and I think they had a great time (even the teenagers... which is near impossible).

I didn't take a lot of pictures but here are some great ones.

Lazing at Gigi's Creek

Float Surfing

Minnow Catching

Even I took a dip- it was hilarious.

featured my sister, me, carlee, and niece

The next day we enjoyed the beauty of the lake.

connor, carlee, my niece, and sister
con, car, my niece, and sister

It was a gorgeous day and the small numbers allowed for social distancing.  
The kids splashed, snorkeled, and soaked in the sun.

We can't leave out a break with good food!  Yum

After a few days of sun in the fun it was time to travel back home 😢 weep.
The kids and I took a little detour by the Jackson Ferry Shot Tower and park. 

I told the kids the shot tower was where the confederate soldiers hid out during the Civil War.
Ok, so maybe I had no idea and maybe I was wayyyyyy off (and why would anyone hide in a tall tower during war)?!
(Kids and their dang phones with google search.) 

The exploration had to be cut short because I was wearing a dress and flip-flops (and I was dying of heat exhaustion) but it was fun while it lasted.  

Check out these cuties who are growing up before our very eyes.  Time is a true investment.  

Carlee took these pictures on our walk.
I think she has a gift!  She can find the beauty in the world like her namesake. 

“Dear old world', she murmured, 'you are very lovely, and I am glad to be alive in you.”
― L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

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